All posts by: Johnny Boy

Thursday 22 August: Corin Rd caching again – S/R,ptX. Another half day geocaching on either side of Corin Rd. Further Information Similar to 24 Jul 19. Another couple of small caching trips. This time I publish this post to encourage...
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Saturday 17 August 2019: Orroral Hill – M/R. Walk the Granite Tors track to the Geodetic Observatory, then off track to Orroral Hill (1609m) through scrub and tors as big as houses. If conditions allow, a visit to cache GCT0D4...
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Friday 16 August: Sutton Rd and Poppet Hill geocaching – S/M. Drive-by geocaching and a little stroll into Poppet Hill. Leader: Roger E. Further Information I wasn’t going to publish this little ditty, but then thought someone may be interested...
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Wednesday 14 August: South Rams Head Range Snowshoe – M/R. A circuit from Dead Horse Gap including South Rams Head and the 2040+m and 2080+m knolls to the north-east. Leader: Max S. Further Information South Rams Head has been on...
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Saturday 10 August 2019: North of Nursery Swamp – M/R,X. We will start off along the Nursery Swamp walking track before veering left (East) into the bush along the ridge north of Nursery Swamp. A few geocaches up for grabs...
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4-7 August: Byangee Walls and Pigeon House – L/R. A Budawangs stay at Bhundoo Bush Cottages with walks. Leader: Barry K. Further Information Byangee Walls have been a bucket list destination for me ever since I saw them from The...
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Saturday 3 August: CBC’s Come and Try Bushwalking in the Snow – Square Rock – S/M. Have you ever wanted to try out bushwalking? Or are you looking for a group of friends to walk with? Walk with the Canberra...
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Wednesday 31 July: Tidbinbilla Mountain to Johns Peak Traverse – L/R. A grand winter mountain walk with great views. From the Mountain Creek Car Park we start along the Lyre Bird Trail and then ascend steeply to near Snowy Corner...
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Wednesday arvo 24 July: 2 short walks off Corin Rd – M/M-R,X. Climb off-track to the second knoll to the east of the bottom of Corin Rd, SH985. Around 3.5km and 280m climb return. Next, from a higher corner on...
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Saturday 20 July: Rendezvous Creek Rock Art – M/M. Visit the Rendezvous Creek indigenous rock art site and several other points of interest along the way. Start with a stroll along a leg of the Rendezvous Creek Walking Track, with a...
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Friday 19 July: Caching on the South Bullen Range – L/E. Including a visit to Calvary. Leader: Roger E. Summary Distance: 17.3km | Climb: 800m | Time: 7.45am – 1.25pm (5hrs 40mins), including 20 mins of breaks plus caching time...
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Thursday 18 July: Have a look at the snow on Mt Gingera – L/M. Book by Wednesday 2pm. Around 20km and 1200m climb. For robust walkers. Map: Corin Dam. Leader: John Evans 0417 436 877 . Transport: ~$10. Further...
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Saturday morning 13 July: Mt Tennent – L/E. Up and down for a little exercise. Leader: Ian W. Further Information Unfortunately the weather was not suitable for the advertised trip. I’m sure that Ian will reschedule it: Saturday 13 July...
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Friday 12 July: Queanbeyan Caching – S/M. This week’s caching focussed on Tankengine’s Falldowns caches and some mostly drive-bys in Queanbeyan. Further Information We first saw two of these Sediment Control structures on 28 May 13, then found the other...
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Tuesday 9 July: Tallowa Gully Clifftop Walk, Morton National Park – L/R, ptX. The start is in the Wingello State Forest 16 km east of Marulan. We’ll walk 6 km east on fire-trails in Morton National Park, then spend about...
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Saturday 6 July 2019: Mt Ginini and Little Ginini in Snow – L/R,ptX. A snow walk on Mt Ginini and Little Ginini. Starting from Corin Dam, a steep climb up Stockyard Spur to the fire trail and Pryors Hut. From...
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Wednesday 3 July: Woodstock Caching – S/E-M. A walk walk in Woodstock Nature reserve for a few geocaches. Leader: Roger E. Further Information I have only been in Woodstock NR once before, returning from the border in the area on...
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Saturday 29 June: Bogong Cave – M/R,ptX. Use the cairned footpad from Corin Road to gain the Billy Billy Rocks area. Climb up for views if conditions are suitable. However, the main objective for this trip is Bogong Cave, around...
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Cotter Dam Views – L/E-M,X. Three walks overlooking Cotter Dam. From the back of Uriarra Village, walk SW to Mt McDonald then S to overlook the dam from the northern side. Next, a walk from near the Murrumbidgee River bridge...
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Tuesday 25 June 2019: Caoura Ridge, Clifftop Walk, Morton National Park – M/R,ptX. The walk starts on the Caoura Road, 21 km southeast of Marulan. We’ll spend most of the day off-track following the clifftop east along the southern rim...
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