Posts tagged with: KNP

Monday-Tuesday 6-7 May 2024: Gentlemen’s overnight walk, Main Range. Guthega, Mt Anton-Mt Anderson saddle, Consett Stephen Pass, Guthega Ridge. Private trip. Summary Day 1: From Garmin Connect (recorded on MAP66i) – Distance: 9.50km | Climb: 525vm | Time: 3:06 moving +1:33...
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Monday 25 March 2024: Main Range Track ! – L/E. Trying again. Weather window looks good. Private trip. 24km, 850vm. Old folks home to Charlotte Pass 203km, 2hr 30mins from Google Maps + 30mins for coffee = 6hrs driving + 8hrs walking =...
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Saturday-Sunday 18-19 November 2023: Seamans Hut – M/M. This is an alpine walk from the top of the quad express chairlift to Seamans Hut via the summit of Kosciusko. We follow the main summit trail via Rawson Pass to the...
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Thursday 16 November 2023: Kiandra to Selwyn – M/E. Plan B as Guthega to Spencers Creek bridge closed due to feral animal control. Summary From Garmin Connect (Epix Gen 2) – Distance: 13.84km | Climb: 315vm (Elev Corrections Enabled) |...
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Friday-Sunday 24-26 March 2023: Mt Morgan. See trip description. Parts of this trip were through ecologically sensitive areas and the leader requested that specific locations not be referenced. Summary From Garmin Connect (MAP66i) – Distance: 22.27km | Climb: 959m |...
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Saturday 4 March 2023: Charlotte Pass to Guthega/Guthega to Charlotte Pass – M/E. A walk on the new-ish Snowies Alpine Walk, stage 2. Summary From Garmin Connect (Epix Gen 2) – Distance: 9.90km | Climb: 250m | Descent 442m | Time:...
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Tue 04 January 2022 – Fri 07 January 2022: Huts and hills on Nungar Plain – M/EFrom Tantangara Rd we walk to Schofields Hut then Circuits Hut where we camp. Day 2 a side trip to Mt Nungar and return....
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Wednesday 14 August: South Rams Head Range Snowshoe – M/R. A circuit from Dead Horse Gap including South Rams Head and the 2040+m and 2080+m knolls to the north-east. Leader: Max S. Further Information South Rams Head has been on...
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Wednesday 22 May: Round Mountain. A recce of an upcoming NPA ACT walk. Leader: Brian S. Further Information How many Round Mountains are there in KNP? When I was first invited on this trip I had the wrong one, Lett...
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Saturday-Sunday 2-3 March: Pockets Hut, Leura Gap – L/M,ptX. This walk was postponed in December due to bad weather. Those previously booked will be given priority so you may be placed on a wait list. Day 1: Drive via Cooma,...
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Saturday-Sunday 2-3 February: Talbingo Reservoir paddle. Paddle from ‘Sue City’ (O’Hares Rest Area) 4 km to the camp site on Talblingo Reservoir. Options for the afternoon and next morning include paddling, swimming or walking up some of the many nearby...
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18-23 October: Snowy River – Byadbo Wilderness Expedition. The trip starts with paddling through sections of steep, rocky gorge country. Throughout the journey this opens up into open, scenic valleys, which emphasise the extent and remoteness of the Byadbo wilderness....
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Thursday 9 August: Another snowshoe trip. Starting from Guthega. Leader: Mike B. Further Information On a roll with beautiful weather, as last week. Summary Distance: 10.0km | Climb: 400m | Time: 9.15am – 3.00pm (5hrs 45mins), including 60 mins of...
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Thursday 2 August: Guthega Snowshoe – M/M. A private trip organised by Mike B. Further Information 4 years since I’ve last been for a snowshoe. Summary Distance: 13.0km | Climb: 590m | Time: 9.10am – 3.00pm (5hrs 50mins), including 50...
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(Sunday 22), Monday 23 – Wednesday 25 April: KNP 2100+m Hills – L/R. Joint CBC/CWBC trip. Leave Canberra Sunday evening, stay in Jindabyne overnight. On Monday depart from Charlottes Pass and top as many 2100 m+ peaks as the group...
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Where are we? – checking the map on SMA1149 | photo by Meredith H on Terrylea R’s phone Thursday 5 April: Gavells Hut and Gang Gang Mountain – L/R,X. After an early start and a long drive our walk commences...
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First clear views down to the west Tuesday 16 January: Wallaces Creek Trail – Mountain bike. From Three Mile Dam near Kiandra we ride along Wallaces Creek Trail for about 17 km in a generally northerly direction, along the crest of...
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Day 4 – Boots off again to cross Doubtful Creek – I took my camera for a swim 4, 5-10 December: Week 5, Thredbo to Kiandra with Mac Kirby on the AAWT – L/E. Week 5 with Mac Kirby and...
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Phil overlooks Blowering Dam and Chimney Rock Tuesday 26 September: Chimney Rock atop Blowering Cliffs – M/M,X. A long drive (500km return) via the Hume Highway to Tumut, then south to near the Log Bridge picnic area. Using a local...
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Mt Jagungal from the east Friday–Sunday 10–12 February: Cesjacks Hut and Mt Jagungal – M/R. Friday 1:00 pm departure for northern KNP via Cooma, leaving cars at the KNP gate and walk in to Cesjacks Hut camp (~2.5 km). On...
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