Posts tagged with: D-16


Saturday 30 March 2024: Arboreta in Kowen Forest * – L/E-M,ptX. Arboreta in Kowen Forest? Yep, so I’ve been told. Let’s have a look. I’ve recently discovered a great little e-publication on Amazon ‘Kowen: Trails and Tales’ by Peter Komidar. Peter documents 14...
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Tuesday 7 November 2023: Tidbinbilla Skyline south – Fishing Gap to Snowy Corner (for all but me). By invitation, representatives of Canberra’s bushwalking clubs joined TNR Rangers. Summary From Garmin Connect (Epix Gen 2) – Distance: 15.55km | Climb: 645vm...
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Saturday 3 September 2023: Cuumbeun Nature Reserve – M/E. Cuumbeun Nature reserve offers a lovely opportunity to explore the rather beautiful bush on the hilly ridge we usually just drive through on the way to the coast. The walk follows...
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Saturday 12 August 2023: Interesting Sites around Yankee Hat car park * – M/E-M, ptW. This walk starts with a round of the very pleasant Rendezvous Creek Track. It provides access for further walking up the creek valley. Then, depending on the clearance...
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Saturday 22 April 2023: Blythburn Cottage * – L/E. The Blythburn Cottage area has a history dating back to before 1839. The current stone building was built around 1885. Elizabeth Julia McKeahnie established an all female dairy and cattle station there around 1900....
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Saturday 11 March 2023: Dunlop and West MacGregor-Jarramlee Grasslands Nature Reserves *– L/E-M. All good lists come to an end. Walk in the Dunlop Grasslands NR, visiting the Charnwood site, Osage-orange trees, ACT border markers on the straight line between Mt...
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Wednesday 12 October 2022: Wednesday Walk M-H: Mt Majura and Mt Ainslie. Heading off from the Mt Majura Antill St carpark, we climb to the summit of Mt Majura and then walk to Mt Ainslie, approaching the summit from the...
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Sunday 2 October 2022: Pierces Creek Falls – 2A/D/E. From the locked gate on Pipeline Rd we head generally SW along Hardy Range to a point where we descend steeply in an easterly direction to the falls. Retrace our steps...
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Saturday 6 August 2022: McQuoids Hill and Urambi Hills Nature Reserves * – L/E.Canberra Nature Park – a breath of fresh air for busy walkers. There are 39 Nature Reserves in the Canberra Nature Park. How many can we walk in?...
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Sunday 24 April: South Bullen Range and Miowera area * – M/M,ptX. Walk in from Tidbinbilla Road over Barnes Hill to join the Bullen Fire Trail. Descend off-track to ‘Calvary’, an old pisé homestead ruin. Continue W and NW to Larrys Creek for...
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Saturday 26 March: Mt Ginini, Little Ginini & Mt Gingera. From Ginini car park on Mount Franklin Road a short walk to Mt Ginini then off track to Little Ginini. Next partly off track to Pryor’s Hut for morning tea. We...
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Tuesday 3 July: UFO Caching in the Bullen Range Nature Reserve – . Walk description Further Information The UFO series is a real fun lot of caches. Great cache art and some great puzzle caches: Roger had solved the majority...
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Saturday 16 June: North Bushfold Flats and ‘Mt Evans’ – L/M,ptX. The northern end of Bushfold Flats is less often visited. It contains several early 20th century European hut sites. In addition, a good walking friend shared his 1979 Outward...
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Saturday 28 April: The Ridge between Nursery Swamp and Rendezvous Creek – M/R. A walk along the rocky ridge above Nursery Swamp and Rendezvous Creek. Leaders: Jenny and Rob H. Further Information A walk instead of the advertised Billy Billy...
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Sydney’s Bush Club and CBC party at Hospital Creek Hut Tuesday 29 August: Boboyan Trig from Hospital Creek Hut – M/R. Walk from the Yankee Hat car park to Hospital Creek Hut. Join 10 walkers from the Sydney Bush Club...
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The way ahead towards Mt Domain Tuesday 20 September: Tidbinbilla Traverse, Snowy Corner to Fishing Gap – M/R. A scenic ridge walk, some of it on pad or cut track, taped route most of the way. If we have enough...
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Mt Coree, the other side of Coree Creek and Devils Peak from the 80r cliffs Tuesday 16 August: Cliffs West of Mt Blundell – L/M-R. A walk mainly along fire trails. From Mt Blundell however we will be scrub bashing...
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Ladies in black appreciating the view from Mt Tennent Saturday 9 January: Cbr100 training – Mt Tennent and Bushfold Flats – L/E. The usual Mt Tennent walk, plus a loop down the AAWT to Bushfold Flats and return up the...
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A little snow on Mts Scabby and Gudgenby from the slab Tuesday 1 September: Rocks above Breakfast Creek – M/R. A walk  to a pleasant small plateau edged by massive boulders and slabs, to the east of Gudgenby. From Yankee...
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Murrumbidgee River round the corner north of Kambah Pool Saturday 18 July: Cotter to Kambah, a Totally Topo! and geocaching event – M/E. Walk the Murrumbidgee River track from Casuarina Sands to Kambah Pool. 17 geocaches to find and 3...
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