Posts tagged with: D-6


21 September 2024: Cypress Pine Lookout recce ! – S/E-M. On the next 2 weekends, the Canberra Bushwalking Club is facilitating 4 hikes to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the declaration of Namadgi National Park: Saturday 28 September – Rendezvous...
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Saturday 20 January 2024: A dawn sortie up Billy Billy Rocks – S/R. We’ll be making an early start to drive out along the Corin Dam Rd and parking at the base of the rock climbers track up the Rocks....
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Sunday morning 10 December 2023 – S/M. In these waterlogged days this walk is in dry sclerophyll woodland, with hopefully a nice display of flowering plants. From Tidbinbilla Tracking Station we climb a wooded spur onto the fire trail along...
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Monday morning 9 October 2023: Lunar Laser Dome off track. From the Orroral space station carpark we ascend the escarpment directly, through recovering bush and some tall unburnt trees, to join the popular track that winds through boulders to the...
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Sunday 28 May 2023: Bogong Moth Cave – S/R. From the Square Rock carpark cross Corin Dam Rd and ascend north-west to the huge cave and jumble of boulders where we will have morning tea. There are views across to...
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Sunday arvo 16 October 2022 ! – S/E: Take a group from Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Chisholm to Tuggeranong rail siding, misplaced border marker and around. Summary From Garmin Connect – Distance: 6.37km | Climb: 139m | Time: 1:40 moving...
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Tuesday 2 August 2022: Spot Height 985 above Corin Road ! – S/E-M,X. A short trip above Corin Road to the lowest bump. AllTrails shows a fire trail ascending to the crest SE above Corin Road, up to an 880+m knoll....
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29 June 2022 West Flank of Big Monks – yet more technobabble Tuesday 29 June 2022: West Flank of Big Monks – yet more technobabble ! – S/M,ptX. A little local stroll to the bottom of the Rob Roy Falls...
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Saturday 22 January 2022 * – S,E-M;ptXA short but interesting stroll. Visit Bluetts Block, an ecologically diverse area under pressure from development above Denman Prospect. There is an active group lobbying for its preservation (see their Facebook page at
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Saturday 26 October 2019: Morning paddle on Lake Burley Griffin – M/W. How about a paddle on LBG in the morning? Meet on the shore on Menindee Drive (in past The Boathouse restaurant), on the water ready to start at...
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Thursday 22 August: Corin Rd caching again – S/R,ptX. Another half day geocaching on either side of Corin Rd. Further Information Similar to 24 Jul 19. Another couple of small caching trips. This time I publish this post to encourage...
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Tuesday 16 April: Impromptu Caching on the flanks of Mt Tennent  – S/R. A morning’s outing on the lower flanks of Mt Tennent and the lower scar. Further Information At last a couple of caches that both Marmaduke Rothschild and...
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Launching into Gungahlin Pond Thursday 22 February: Northern pond paddling – S/E,W. Geocaching on a couple of northern ponds, organised by Marmaduke Rothschild. Summary Distance: 6.3km | Time: 7.20am – 11.25am (4hrs 5mins), including caching and driving and launch/recovery time...
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Theodore grinding grooves Wednesday 22 November: Southside Stroll in daylight savings – Theodore knolls and the axe grinding grooves – S/E. Meet at the Callister Crescent Theodore car park for a 6.30pm start. We’ll walk NE over two knolls in...
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View west from the top of Billy Billy Rocks Tuesday 21 November: Billy Billy Rocks from the East – M/R. Follow a well taped and cairned footpad starting near a sharp bend in Corin Road, just south of where Billy Billy...
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  Linda susses out the way down a canyon on Swamp Creek Tuesday 22 August: Swamp Creek exploratory – S/R/ part X. Swamp Creek Nature Reserve, which joins the Murrumbidgee near Uriarra Crossing, appears from Google Earth to have two...
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Photo shoot at ‘The Pyramid’ above Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve Saturday 8 July: Tidbinbilla (T)romp – L/E-M. Walk up the Devils Gap Fire Trail to the crest of the SE rim of the Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve. An optional short ascent of...
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Crossing Gibraltar Creek Saturday 3 June:  High Hills East of Gibraltar Creek – M/R. We drive to the Corin Dam road, near to Woods Reserve.  We then walk off-track down to Gibraltar Creek, then up spurs to the unnamed high...
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Big Monks Sunday arvo 21 May: Big Monks, a data-driven experience # 3 – S/E. Big Monks is a trig above the deep south suburb of Banks. At 300m above the Lanyon suburbs, it commands sweeping views to Mt Tennent,...
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Fire coming out of Mt Ainslie Monday evening, 14 November: Red Hill – S/E Meet at 6.30 pm at the car park near the cafe at the end of Red Hill Dr, Red Hill (map: We will walk along...
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