Posts tagged with: G-8

Saturday arvo/night 20 July 2024: Full Moon Walk * – L/E. Keep your trousers on 😂, it’s a full moon walk. A ‘day’ walk. Orroral Valley Circuit anticlockwise. Walk north in the valley in daylight, wet feet crossing Sawpit Creek. Complete the circuit...
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Thursday 28 March 2024: Granite Tors Walking Track * – M/E-M. The Granite Tors Walking Track has been upgraded, as announced on the ACT Parks and Conservation Service Facebook page on 4 March. I’m time poor atm so propose a quick out...
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Saturday 18 February 2024: Dick and Lena’s Rendezvous Creek Ramble – M/M. This is a re-run of a John Evans walk from 2 years. We start our walk at Rendezvous Creek car park beside the Boboyan Road. Following the track...
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Sunday morning 10 December 2023 – S/M. In these waterlogged days this walk is in dry sclerophyll woodland, with hopefully a nice display of flowering plants. From Tidbinbilla Tracking Station we climb a wooded spur onto the fire trail along...
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Saturday morning 2 December 2023: Granite Tors NPA/* – M/R,ptX. A short walk using the old road to the Geodetic Observatory above the Orroral Valley. Grand views. We’ll then head north-west, at first using the track that winds along the...
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Saturday-Sunday 18-19 November 2023: Seamans Hut – M/M. This is an alpine walk from the top of the quad express chairlift to Seamans Hut via the summit of Kosciusko. We follow the main summit trail via Rawson Pass to the...
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Thursday 16 November 2023: Kiandra to Selwyn – M/E. Plan B as Guthega to Spencers Creek bridge closed due to feral animal control. Summary From Garmin Connect (Epix Gen 2) – Distance: 13.84km | Climb: 315vm (Elev Corrections Enabled) |...
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Tuesday morning 14 November 2023: Red Hill Track at TNR ! – S/R,X. Finish the western leg of the Red Hill Track at TNR. Summary From Garmin Connect (Epix Gen 2) – Distance: 4.29km | Climb: 205vm (Elev Corrections Enabled)...
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Tuesday 7 November 2023: Tidbinbilla Skyline south – Fishing Gap to Snowy Corner (for all but me). By invitation, representatives of Canberra’s bushwalking clubs joined TNR Rangers. Summary From Garmin Connect (Epix Gen 2) – Distance: 15.55km | Climb: 645vm...
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Saturday 15 October 2023: Mt Ramsay Trig – S/M. Rare opportunity to explore bushland on private property east of Murrumbateman. The walk is approximately 8Km with 450m of ascent. It is mostly off track through shady (unburnt for 35 years)...
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Monday morning 2 October 2023: Red Rocks Gorge and ‘The Chasm’  – 2A/B/C/E. Starting from Tuggeranong Pool, walk along the Murrumbidgee from Tuggeranong Creek confluence to Red Rocks Gorge. We will be off-track, close to river for about 2 km...
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Saturday 3 September 2023: Cuumbeun Nature Reserve – M/E. Cuumbeun Nature reserve offers a lovely opportunity to explore the rather beautiful bush on the hilly ridge we usually just drive through on the way to the coast. The walk follows...
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Saturday 12 August 2023: Interesting Sites around Yankee Hat car park * – M/E-M, ptW. This walk starts with a round of the very pleasant Rendezvous Creek Track. It provides access for further walking up the creek valley. Then, depending on the clearance...
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Saturday 22 July 2023: Bradleys Creek Walk. From AllTrails. Summary From Garmin Connect (Epix Gen 2) – Distance: 14.63km | Climb: 550vm | Time: 3:04 moving + 0:30 of stops = 3:34 | Grading: M/E; M(8). Photographs Photographs are available here....
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Wednesday 28 June 2023: E-M Wednesday Walk – Orroral Valley * – M/M,ptW. How long since you’ve visited the Orroral Valley in the recently reopened Namadgi National Park? Take in the sights and some sites on this short circuit walk....
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Saturday 27 May 2023: Tarlo River National Park – S/M-R. An exploratory walk in this National Park north-east of Goulburn. Summary From Garmin Connect (Epix Gen 2) – Distance: 7.01km | Climb: 170vm (Elevation Correction enabled) | Time: 1:38 moving...
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Thursday 27 April 2023: The Big Hole and Marble Arch. Max organised a stroll for the four musketeers. Summary From Garmin Connect (Epix Gen 2) – Distance: 12.45km | Climb: 470m | Time: 3:14 moving + 1:50 of stops =...
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  Saturday 15 April 2023: Fitzroy Falls – Manandoo Point – S/M. A drive to Fitzroy Falls to visit a number of lookouts to falls in the area. See trip description. Summary From Garmin Connect (MAP66i) – Distance: 13.21km | Climb:...
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Saturday 10 April 2023: Eastern Hills of Goorooyarroo NR * – M/E-M. CBC is partnering with ACTArchives to facilitate a walk to the ACT/NSW border during Heritage Week. I’d like to do a final recce so I don’t make a...
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Saturday 11 March 2023: Dunlop and West MacGregor-Jarramlee Grasslands Nature Reserves *– L/E-M. All good lists come to an end. Walk in the Dunlop Grasslands NR, visiting the Charnwood site, Osage-orange trees, ACT border markers on the straight line between Mt...
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