Last updated 16Aug23

Search by Location Name

1 To search for a location, word or phrase on Johnny Boy’s Walkabout Blog, use the SEARCH BLOG facility in the side bar on the right. (But, of course, your spelling has to match mine.) The SEARCH BLOG is also on the bottom of the home page. There is a further opportunity at the top of the home page at Search keywords here.
If searching for a phrase, enclose in quotes. Eg. ‘Booroomba Creek’ will return posts containing that, but not posts containing Booroomba Rocks.

2 To search an open page, use your browser’s Find function (eg. Ctrl+F). Note that this will search whatever is ‘visible’ – so if you are on the home page, only whatever tab is visible and if searching Completed Walks, whatever year(s) are currently expanded. Years of linked trips cannot be searched in this way from the home page.

Search a List

3 There are several lists which you can browse or search, then access the related trip:

• the primary list is the Completed Walks tab on the home page

ACT border markers
ACT high hills (20 named peaks over 1500m + 15 1400-1500m + a few more)
ACT trigs (105 of them)
ACT waterfalls
Brindabella weirs
High country huts (huts in KNP)
NSW nearby high hills
Points of Interest
Sites of Significance in the ACT

Search by Tag (walk area, distance, climb, grading)

4 Tags: Each trip report from 2014 is tagged with the walk area (eg. NNP), distance (eg. D-20), climb (eg. C-900) and BBC grading (eg. G-13).

• Click on a tag in the cloud of TRIP REPORT TAGS in the side bar on the right (the cloud does not contain all Tags.)
• Enter a tag (eg. NNP, D-20, C-900 or G-13) into the SEARCH BLOG facility in the side bar on the right.

Search via Google Maps

5 Zoom in on the Google Map here (for All trips), here (for 2022 trips), here (for 2019 trips) or here (for 2018-2014 trips) to discover destinations in your area of interest. Activate the pin to see the name of the point, date visited and a link to the trip report. The pins do not always reflect the latest trips (I’d rather be walking than updating these), so searching via this method may not be exhaustive.

• show in full screen, then pan and zoom as desired
• expand the list of named points to eyeball them.

Search via Google Earth

6 Zoom in on the Google Map here (for All trips), here (for 2022 trips), here (for 2019 trips) or here (for 2018-2014 trips)

• show in full screen
• activate the vertical ellipsis, activate Download KML, check Export to a .KML file, OK, Save the file
• start Google Earth Pro and open the downloaded file
• activate a pin to see the name of the point, date visited and a link to the trip report.

Something more?

Browse the Canberra Bushwalking Club‘s list of Current Activities and choose an appropriate one.
