Posts tagged with: TNR


15 September 2024: Mt Eliza, Gibraltar Peak, Mushroom Rock – M/R. Mt Eliza is often forgotten when one visits Gibraltar Peak, today we’ll visit it first. We start our walk at Dalsetta car park walking up to Eliza saddle. From...
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Monday 22 April 2024: Tidbinbilla Skyline southern section: Fishing Gap, Mt Domain, Snowy Corner, Mountain Creek * – L/R and SLOW. In via Fishing Gap Fire Trail and up to Mt Domain. Walk the crest north to Snowy Corner and descend to the...
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Wednesday 28 February 2024: Wednesday Walk: Red Hill * – E/M. No, not that one. If you were walking last century, you may have been to Red Hill at Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve. There was a track which was obliterated in the 2003 bushfires...
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Saturday 20 January 2024: A dawn sortie up Billy Billy Rocks – S/R. We’ll be making an early start to drive out along the Corin Dam Rd and parking at the base of the rock climbers track up the Rocks....
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Tuesday morning 14 November 2023: Red Hill Track at TNR ! – S/R,X. Finish the western leg of the Red Hill Track at TNR. Summary From Garmin Connect (Epix Gen 2) – Distance: 4.29km | Climb: 205vm (Elev Corrections Enabled)...
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Tuesday 7 November 2023: Tidbinbilla Skyline south – Fishing Gap to Snowy Corner (for all but me). By invitation, representatives of Canberra’s bushwalking clubs joined TNR Rangers. Summary From Garmin Connect (Epix Gen 2) – Distance: 15.55km | Climb: 645vm...
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Saturday 4 November 2023: Rediscover the Red Hill Track … looking for star pickets and burnt old logs * – M/R,X. No, not Red Hill in Canberra – the one in Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve.Perhaps not a walk to everyone’s interest, but an...
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Saturday 30 September 2023: New/Emerging Leaders Training Walk to Tidbinbilla Peak * – M/E. This training trip is designed for new and emerging leaders who would like to experience planning and executing a day walk. If you’ve just completed Rob...
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Saturday 24 June 2023: Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve Trails recce ! – S/E-M,ptX. A look at some of the trails in the TNR valley. Summary Walk 1 – Cascade and Lyrebird Trails – From Garmin Connect (Epix Gen 2) – Distance:...
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Saturday 3 June 2023: Eastern Rim of Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve * – M-R/R,ptX. Climb to Devils Gap via the Devils Gap Fire Trail. Summit The Pyramid via a 170vm steep climb and visit a great tor nearby. Return to Devils Gap...
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Sunday 28 May 2023: Bogong Moth Cave – S/R. From the Square Rock carpark cross Corin Dam Rd and ascend north-west to the huge cave and jumble of boulders where we will have morning tea. There are views across to...
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Wednesday 24 May 2023: Eastern Rim of TNR recce ! – L/M-R. A spur of the moment decision to do a little recce. Summary From Garmin Connect (Epix Gen 2) – Distance: 14.45km | Climb: 695vm (Elevation Correction enabled) |...
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Saturday 20 May 2023: Tidbinbilla Mountain and beyond * – M/M.  The views from the crest of the Tidbinbilla Range never cease to amaze. With NNP closed for the aerial control program, let’s revisit Tidbinbilla Mountain from the climb to Snowy...
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Saturday 1 April 2023: Tidbinbilla Range – Shale Knoll. A bushwalking and geocaching walk up to the Snowy Corner Cairns on the Tidbinbilla Range crest, then south to the shale knolls. See trip description. Summary From Garmin Connect (MAP66i) –...
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Saturday 11 February 2023: Camels Hump, Johns Peak, Tidbinbilla Peak * – L/M.This is an ideal trip for new (and long time, and old) walkers wanting to experience the area. Although long-ish and with a good total climb, most of...
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Sunday 5 February 2023: Cave on NW side of Mt Domain * – L/R,ptX. On 17 Dec 22, walkers on the Tidbinbilla skyline saw what we thought could be a cave a little to the west of Mt Domain. Let’s see if...
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Sunday 29 January 2023: Tidbinbilla Warning Siren – S/E. At last – the good oil from the horse’s mouth on the warning siren at the bottom of the Camelback Fire Trail in Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve. Summary Around 167 steps each...
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Sunday 29 January 2023: Rediscovering Red Hill Trail ! – S/R,X. An attempt to rediscover the alignment of the Red Hill Trail in Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve. Summary From Garmin Connect – Distance: 3.94km | Climb: 196m (Elev Corrections Enabled) |...
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Saturday 17 December 2022: Tidbinbilla Range Skyline, Southern Section – Fishing Gap to Snowy Corner * – L/R. Walk the southern section of the Tidbinbilla Range skyline, north from Fishing Gap to Snowy Corner. Awesome views down the western fall to the Cotter...
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Saturday 10 December 2022: Mt Domain * – M/M. Mt Domain is located towards the southern end of the Tidbinbilla Range. Its two spurs and the level ridge in between are clearly recognisable from many parts of Canberra. Let’s bag it for wonderful...
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