... bushwalking in the ACT and nearby NSW.
I began my love affair with the ACT bush in 2004 after completing the Canberra Bushwalking Club's annual Navigation Refresher. Seven sessions of navigation and bushcraft shared by living legends had me hooked. It's grown from a passion to an obsession. With other responsibilities it's hard to get away overnight, so I usually only day walk. I like gadgets and technobabble.
Information on this blog is shared in the hope that it might encourage others to get out and breathe a bit of fresh air.
De Salis Cemetery Monday evening 2 January: Southside Stroll to de Salis Cemetery – S/E. The de Salis cemetery at Tharwa is a unique, dry-stone wall enclosed burial site for the area’s pioneers of the late nineteenth century. The placement...
TikvaNZ makes the significant find (that’s water immediately above his head) Saturday 10 December: Ginini Falls with geocacher Cankid – M/R. A trip to log GC2G23C GININI FALLS (if we can get there) – and to admire the views of...
Buckenbowra River at lunch Tuesday 29 November: Upper Buckenbowra River – M/R,W. A plan B trip due to trees down. From the Mongarlowe River picnic area on River Forest Road, cross the Mongarlowe and follow a spur to the eastern...
The top of Corin Dam Saturday 26 November: Corin Dam upstream end, bike + walk – L/E,W. Ride from the Orroral Tracking Station to the locked gate on Cotter Hut Rd. Walk Cotter Hut Rd and Lick Hole Rd (with...
SH1396, the top of Booroomba Rocks Tuesday 22 November: Booroomba Rocks via Gorilla Rock M/R. Meet at Lanyon shops at 8:00. We will car pool from there. We will walk north along the Australian Alps Walking Track (AAWT) from Honeysuckle...
Murrumbidgee River in the evening light Monday evening, 21 November: Kama Nature Reserve – S/E. Meet at 6:30 pm. Kama Nature Reserve is located off William Hovell Drive opposite the suburb of Hawker; about 2.5 km from Coppins Crossing turnoff...
Murrumbidgee River views | photo Pat D Monday 21 November: Point Hut Crossing to Kambah Pool ride – L/E. Along the Canberra Centenary Trail. 2 of us met. Summary Distance: 33.7km | Climb: 480m | Time: 8.25am – 12.10pm (3hrs...
Moon Rise Tuesday night 15 November: ‘By the light of the silvery perigee-syzygy …’ – S/E. Tonight is a super full moon when the moon is closest to the earth and appears 14% bigger and 30% brighter. It rises at...
A cascade on Snowy Flat Creek | photo Barry K Tuesday 15 November: Forests of Snowy Flat Creek, Namadgi National Park – L/R/X. From Corin Dam we follow the Stockyard Spur walking track for 4.5 kilometres then spend most of...
Fire coming out of Mt Ainslie Monday evening, 14 November: Red Hill – S/E Meet at 6.30 pm at the car park near the cafe at the end of Red Hill Dr, Red Hill (map: bit.ly/RedHillCafe). We will walk along...
Cotter Flats and the Oldfields Homestead site Sunday-Monday 6-7 November: Bimberi Peak from Orroral – L/E. The 3 musketeers hit out together. Hooray. Leader: Max S. 3 of us met. Further Information Similar to the trip 3 weeks ago, 16-17...
View SE from the Mt Gingera guyed pole Saturday 5 November: Mt Gingera – L/M. Corin Dam – Stockyard Spur – Pryors Hut – Gingera – return. About 20 km and 800 m climb. Map: Corin Dam. Leader: Jenny H....
The bridge over the upper cascades Thursday 3 November: Cypress Pine Lookout and the cascades – S/E. This is the first of a series of 1.5–2 hours evening walks during daylight saving, suitable for young, old and in between, whether...
The Pimple and Tidbinbilla Mountain cliffs from Burkes Creek Rd Wednesday 2 November: Pipeline Rd ride – L/E. Ride from the locked gate on Pipeline Rd in Pierces Creek Pine Forest area above the Cotter River. Do the stages of...
A fork in the tree Saturday 29 October: Explore Red Hill Reserve – S/E–M. Meet at the car park on Mugga Way (opposite Francis Street) at 8.30 am. A quiet Saturday morning exploring some of the many tracks around and...
Mt Herlt and Mt Mavis over Thunder Bluff Wednesday 26 October: Thunder Bluff – M-H. Thunder Bluff is a granite outcrop to the south-west of Orroral Hill with good views of many of Namadgi’s peaks. The walk starts in the...
Bimberi Peak bag Sunday-Monday 16-17 October: Bimberi Peak – L/M. With road conditions in the west reportedly not good, a short drive and a long walk in from Orroral in the east, rather than a long drive and a short...
The gang at Wave Cave Thursday 13 October: Wave Cave – S/R. A walk for Hobart Walking Club visitors, CBC members and other visitors. The Wave Cave is a dramatic overhang in a sandstone cliff in the northern Budawangs, with...
Wednesday 12 October: #7 Use of PC with GPSr. An evening demonstration of PC software & digital maps to plan & analyse trips recorded on a GPSr. Track Notes Session notes here. Party 5 attendees – David D, Lisa Q,...
We came down there Descending the Mt Tennent scar Monday 10 October: Mt Tennent Scar – M/R. Ascend Mt Tennent via the AAWT and Mt Tennent fire trail for views. Descend via the scar. Plan B instead of Mt Gingera....