All posts by: Johnny Boy

SH1396, the top of Booroomba Rocks Tuesday 22 November: Booroomba Rocks via Gorilla Rock M/R. Meet at Lanyon shops at 8:00. We will car pool from there. We will walk north along the Australian Alps Walking Track (AAWT) from Honeysuckle...
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Murrumbidgee River in the evening light Monday evening, 21 November: Kama Nature Reserve – S/E. Meet at 6:30 pm. Kama Nature Reserve is located off William Hovell Drive opposite the suburb of Hawker; about 2.5 km from Coppins Crossing turnoff...
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Murrumbidgee River views | photo Pat D Monday 21 November: Point Hut Crossing to Kambah Pool ride – L/E. Along the Canberra Centenary Trail. 2 of us met. Summary Distance: 33.7km | Climb: 480m | Time: 8.25am – 12.10pm (3hrs...
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Moon Rise Tuesday night 15 November: ‘By the light of the silvery perigee-syzygy …’ – S/E. Tonight is a super full moon when the moon is closest to the earth and appears 14% bigger and 30% brighter. It rises at...
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A cascade on Snowy Flat Creek | photo Barry K Tuesday 15 November: Forests of Snowy Flat Creek, Namadgi National Park – L/R/X. From Corin Dam we follow the Stockyard Spur walking track for 4.5 kilometres then spend most of...
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Fire coming out of Mt Ainslie Monday evening, 14 November: Red Hill – S/E Meet at 6.30 pm at the car park near the cafe at the end of Red Hill Dr, Red Hill (map: We will walk along...
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Cotter Flats and the Oldfields Homestead site Sunday-Monday 6-7 November: Bimberi Peak from Orroral – L/E. The 3 musketeers hit out together. Hooray. Leader: Max S. 3 of us met. Further Information Similar to the trip 3 weeks ago, 16-17...
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View SE from the Mt Gingera guyed pole Saturday 5 November: Mt Gingera – L/M. Corin Dam – Stockyard Spur – Pryors Hut – Gingera – return. About 20 km and 800 m climb. Map: Corin Dam. Leader: Jenny H....
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The bridge over the upper cascades Thursday 3 November: Cypress Pine Lookout and the cascades – S/E. This is the first of a series of 1.5–2 hours evening walks during daylight saving, suitable for young, old and in between, whether...
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The Pimple and Tidbinbilla Mountain cliffs from Burkes Creek Rd Wednesday 2 November: Pipeline Rd ride – L/E. Ride from the locked gate on Pipeline Rd in Pierces Creek Pine Forest area above the Cotter River. Do the stages of...
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A fork in the tree Saturday 29 October: Explore Red Hill Reserve – S/E–M. Meet at the car park on Mugga Way (opposite Francis Street) at 8.30 am. A quiet Saturday morning exploring some of the many tracks around and...
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Mt Herlt and Mt Mavis over Thunder Bluff Wednesday 26 October: Thunder Bluff – M-H. Thunder Bluff is a granite outcrop to the south-west of Orroral Hill with good views of many of Namadgi’s peaks. The walk starts in the...
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Bimberi Peak bag Sunday-Monday 16-17 October: Bimberi Peak – L/M. With road conditions in the west reportedly not good, a short drive and a long walk in from Orroral in the east, rather than a long drive and a short...
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The gang at Wave Cave Thursday 13 October: Wave Cave – S/R. A walk for Hobart Walking Club visitors, CBC members and other visitors. The Wave Cave is a dramatic overhang in a sandstone cliff in the northern Budawangs, with...
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Wednesday 12 October: #7 Use of PC with GPSr. An evening demonstration of PC software & digital maps to plan & analyse trips recorded on a GPSr. Track Notes Session notes here. Party 5 attendees – David D, Lisa Q,...
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We came down there Descending the Mt Tennent scar Monday 10 October: Mt Tennent Scar – M/R. Ascend Mt Tennent via the AAWT and Mt Tennent fire trail for views. Descend via the scar. Plan B instead of Mt Gingera....
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View SE from the east side of Mt Orroral Saturday 8 October: Orroral Hill – M/R. Beginning at the Orroral Tracking station picnic area, we will follow the Granite Tors walking trail to the Laser Lunar Tower. After Morning tea...
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Google Earth snip Greens Peak – SH1409 Saturday 1 October: Peak 1409 – M/R. A challenging walk cross country and through scrub to the lovely shale peak in between Tidbinbilla and the Brindabellas. Participants should not object to scrub. More...
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Looking down the Sentry Box granite slabs to SH1577 and the Naas Creek valley Saturday 24 September: Naas Creek and Sentry Box geocaching ride/walk – L/M-R. From the Yankee Hat car park, ride the Old Boboyan Rd to Lutons crutching...
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The way ahead towards Mt Domain Tuesday 20 September: Tidbinbilla Traverse, Snowy Corner to Fishing Gap – M/R. A scenic ridge walk, some of it on pad or cut track, taped route most of the way. If we have enough...
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