Downstream Tharwa engineered log jam

Friday 3 February: Ride the Tharwa loop for geocaches – E. Ride from my old folks home via Point Hut Crossing, Tidbinbilla Rd to Tharwa and Tharwa Rd back home. Pick up a couple of geocaches.


Distance: 23.4km | Climb: 290m | Time: 6.40 – 8.35am (1hr 55mins) | Grading: E (ride)


Photographs are available, where you can start a large sized slideshow.

Waypoint and Track Files

Download the .gpx file. (Right click, Save Link As…, Save – if you want to use it.)
To use in Google Earth, do File, Open… and select Gps or All files as the File Type.

Track Notes

Since making foolish new year resolutions, most days begin with a bike ride from my old folks home. When combined with geocaching there is added pleasure.

I got into caching after visiting most of the high hills and trigs in the ACT. It was only then that I found out there was a geocache on each one, so revisits are required. The remote caches interest me most, but there are also little gems that take me to locations I had no idea about. Today was such an occasion.

I can ride further now, after discovering the joy of bike nicks (my butt is not the reverse shape of a bike seat!). So down past Point Hut Pond, through Point Hut Crossing and out the road to the T-intersection with Tidbinbilla Rd. Left here and, near the intersection with Booroomba Rd, a log of GC6BAM6 ACT Centre…almost. This geocache is interesting because it is near the centre of the ACT and the cache description provides a link, , which lists the various centres of Australia and the states. … if you’re into that sort of thing.

Then through Tharwa (only a quick glance up to the verandah of the Tharwa General Store where I’ve enjoyed many a beer after a walk on a hot day; but it was too early and it’s been a very dry year due to another new year resolution πŸ˜† ) and onto the bridge. Have you noticed the little safety alcoves as you drive over it? One hides GC5RRJC Tharwa Truss which I logged today.

I knew the next cache wasn’t there at the moment, but the location sounded interesting. So back to the Tharwa end of the bridge and along the river-side vehicle track and through the gate. A sign said it all and a track led to the Engineered Log Jam structures. You can read all about it at . Thanks for the cache location Tankengine!

The last cache for today was back in Gordon. As well as visiting interesting things, geocaching can cause one to carry out suspicious actions. So this dirty old man (no shower yet today) scrabbled around under the end of a slippery dip in a kids playground (thank goodness no kids present) to log GC6TWHZ Snakes & Ladders.

I wonder what the rest of the day holds?

Track Maps

Track overview

Track detail – Tharwa ELJ


just me.