All posts by: Johnny Boy

Plenty of Grass Trees | Sidling across scree to GC5CHVG Pierces Plummet | Happy buddies at GC5CHVG Pierces Plummet | A good drop below GC5CHVG Pierces Plummet Saturday 4 April: Pierces Creek Falls – S/E-R. A short morning walk to...
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Rich and Sean – professional clowns and great guys Saturday-Sunday 21-22 March 2015: CBR100Challenge – L/E. Walks of 25, 50 and 100km are being organised by CBR100Challenge on the Canberra Centenary Trail. I have a team of 3 to do...
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Cbr100Challenge course marking at the Majura Pines signage – go straight ahead, not over horse gate Thursday 19 March: Checkout the Cbr100Challenge 100km route joining the Acacia Trail – S/E. Checkout this bit of the course that has fooled me....
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Eternity church walkers at the Kambah firestorm storytree Sunday 15 March: Beryl Women’s Shelter Fund Raising Walk – Eternity church to Kambah Firestorm Storytree and return – S/E. Come and join us after church (∼12noon) as we walk from Eternity...
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Sunset over the Illoura Horse Paddocks on the north-west of Curtin Saturday 14 March: Cbr100Challenge Training – night walking from Duffy to Regatta Point – L/E. The 100km next weekend will see us walking through the night. Here’s an opportunity...
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Murrumbidgee River at sunset Thursday 12 March: Southside Stroll – S/E. How about a stroll north from Kambah Pool along the Murrumbidgee River track? A few geocaches too. Around 8km and 480m climb. Maps: Tuggeranong, Canberra, Cotter Dam. Leader: John...
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Balloons following us Saturday 7 March 2015: CBR100 Challenge training – Lake Burley Griffin circuit inc Black Mountain, Mount Ainslie – L/E. Last training walk before the CBR100 Challenge. A complete lap of Lake Burley Griffin, including visiting Black Mountain and...
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… or grumpy old man picks further holes in Cbr100Challenge route Track Check out Black Mountain Thursday 5 March: Cbr100Challenge Training – Check out Black Mountain – S/E. An opportunity to check out the 100km course of the Cbr100Challenge around...
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Eucalypt grass Tuesday 3 March: Nadgigomar Nature Reserve, Western Section – L/M. The walk is in the Sunset Mountain section of Nadgigomar Nature Reserve 35 km north of Braidwood. The terrain is hilly or slightly undulating and there are extensive...
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Free-stone sculptures on the Northern Centenary Trail Saturday 28 February: Cbr100Challenge Training – WestSide@ActonPark to Black Mountain via the northern Canberra Centenary Trail – L/E. Join me for as much or as little as you like. Start at 6.20am. Ring...
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Coronet Peak and the bottom of the Kelly Spur from west of the Cotter River Tuesday 24 February: Cbr100Challenge Training – Cotter Hut – L/E,W. Walk in along Cotter Hut Rd to Cotter Hut, splash through the Cotter River and...
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GPSr screen capture Monday 23 February: Cbr100Challenge Training – Cooleman Ridge – L/E. A morning stroll. Walked out the front door. Summary Distance: 15.6km | Climb: 560m | Time: 7.15am-10.15am (3hr) | Grading: L/E; M(8) Track Maps Track overview Track...
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Jasmine (flapping her arms about) and Roger at a cascade below Gibraltar Falls Saturday 21 February: Gibraltar Creek – S/M,W. Access Gibraltar Creek through old pine forest a crowlometer or so above the Falls. Wend our way down to Gibraltar...
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Government House and Lake Burley Griffin Saturday 14 February: Cbr100Challenge Training – LBG – L/E. Join me for a lap or two of Lake Burley Griffin. Feet hardening for the Cbr100Challenge. As much or as little as you like. We’ll...
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View over Woden to Tidbinbilla and Brindabella Ranges from Red Hill Thursday 12 February: Cbr100Challenge Training: Scriveners Camp to End and Kent St to Red Hill – M/E. Check out the adjusted official 100km route from Scriveners Camp to the...
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Rendezvous Creek flats from lunch on a knoll Rendezvous Crags – M/R. A circuit taking in Rendezvous Crags and Orca Rock, on the spur at ∼776E 477N GDA94, exact route to be decided according to the weather. At least 10 km...
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Sunrise over Lake Burley Griffin at 6.30am (from an iPhone 4S!) Saturday 7 February: CBR100 Challenge training – Parliament House to Mount Majura return – L/E. A walk following the Centenary Trail and taking in Mount Ainslie and Mount Majura....
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Guess why they call Mulligans Flat Mulligans Flat – it’s flat Tuesday 3 February Cbr100Challenge Training: 100km route, War Memorial to Hall – L/E. Walk a bit of the 100km route from the start towards Hall. Around 45km. Maps: Canberra and...
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Bullen Range and Tidbinbilla Range from the Cooleman Ridge Saturday 31 January 2015 – CBR100 Challenge training – Weston Creek Circuit – L/E pt X. I’m training for the 50km version of the CBR100 to be held in March. A...
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View south from Mt Painter | view north from Mt Painter Wednesday 28 January: Cbr100Challenge Training – Walk from Duffy to meeting in Higgins – L/E. Gotta spend time on my feet. I just walked out the front door. Summary...
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