Tyrone Bell and participants imagine the landscape as it originally was

Thursday 16 May 2024: Mt Taylor Indigenous Walk – S/E. Presented by Tyronne Bell of Thunderstone Aboriginal Cultural Services and organised by ACT Environmental Volunteers Knowledge Building Workshops. A 2 hour walk examining indigenous sites and plants on Mt Taylor.


From Garmin Connect (recorded on MAP66i) – Distance: 3.86km | Climb: 170vm | Time: 1:08 moving +1:38 of stops = 2:46 | Grading: S/E; E(4).


View photographs here.

gpx file


Track Map

Here’s where we went.

Track Mt Taylor Indigenous Walk

Trip Report

We stopped at various times and Tyronne spoke about the various aspects of the site:

  • Cherry Ballart tree
  • 6 indigenous seasons
  • Imagine the land before white settlement
  • Hardenbergia
  • Indigofera
  • Cassinia
  • Ants nest
  • Bulbine lily (Yam daisy)
  • Well tree
  • Lomandra (Mat Rush)
  • Corroboree site
  • Kurrajong tree
  • Canoe scar tree with inappropriately placed nesting box.

An inappropriately placed box on a scar tree

A most informative walk.


~14 walkers.

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