Posts tagged with: C-780

Monday 12 June 2023: Walk 1 – From the Orroral Tracking Station track-head, walk the Granite Tors Walking Track to the Geodetic Observatory. Do a loop of the magnificent tors via the GTWT extension. To add a bit of fun,...
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Lunch views to The Pimple from Tidbinbilla Peak Saturday 27 May: Snowy Corner to Tidbinbilla Mountain – M/R. Car park-top of Lyre Bird trail– Snowy Corner–Mt Tidbinbilla–ridge–line–Tidbinbilla Peak–part of the Camel Hump trail-car park. ~700m climb, 10 km, ~6 ½ hours. Map:...
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Rob Roy from the Mt Tennent track Saturday 12 December: Mt Tennent – L/E Start from the Namadgi Visitors Centre and take the trail to the top of Mt Tennent and return. On track all the way. Distance is 14kms...
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