Last updated 7Oct23

Waterhole Stockyards

Waterhole Stockyards are located 170m north-west of Waterhole Hut in the Namadgi National Park.

Location: GR 55H FA 76080-29191 (MGA94), Yaouk 8626-2N 1:25000

Waterhole Stockyards, July 2014

Visits: 7 Oct 23, 16-17 Sep 23, 4 Jul 15, 30 Aug 14, 19 Jul 14, 8 Jul 14, 31Aug-1Sep 13, 23 Mar 13, 8-9 Sep 12, 28 Dec 10, 13 Apr 10, 24 Jun 08, 18 Mar 08

Photographs are available.


• KHA Namadgi database (private source). Site 330. Waterhole hut yard.  Built from bush timber, the yards are constructed of logs dropped between paired posts or into ‘Y’-forked posts; some of the rails are held in place with wire.  A large boulder and a fallen tree have been incorporated into the yards’ perimeter.  There are two pens to the yards, together with an external wing.  While the yards are partly collapsed they are among the most intact pre-second world war yards in Namadgi.

Gudgenby: A register of archaeological sites in the proposed Gudgenby National Park, J H Winston-Gregson MA thesis, ANU, 1978. Site B18. Rough timber droplog; wire tied. Comprises timber salvaged from old fences and ringbarked trees. Poor condition. See extracts of the relevant pages in the photos above.

• Signage as at 2007-2008: These stockyards were built by Jack Oldfield and Alf Peters during the period 1935-39. They were used to contain both sheep and cattle and represent one of the most intact examples of pre-World War 2 stockyards in Namadgi and perhaps in the Australian high country.

•Signage 2012-present: The Waterhole Hut stockyards are a goof example of vernacular log-type yards using bush timber as building material. It is perhaps one of the most intact yards within Namadgi National Park that dates before the Second World War. Jack Oldfield and Alf Peters constructed the yards before the hut was built, between 1935 and 1939. As well as being used by the Oldfields, they may also have been used by Henry Curtis. The drop-log technique was used though wire has been included to hold some rails in place. A large granite boulder was incorporated into the enclosure. The yard includes two gateways from which the gates are missing. There is an inner pen and an outer pen. From the gateway of the outer pen, log rails have been extended to guide stock into the yard.

Settlers Track brochure