Last updated 17Sep23

Lone Pine Homestead

Lone Pine Homestead site is located beside the Grassy Creek Fire Trail near Sheep Station Creek in the Namadgi National Park.

Location: GR 55H FA 74859-32454 (MGA94), Yaouk 8626-2N 1:25000

Lone Pine Homestead ruin, September 2012

Visits: 16-17 Sep 23, 20 Sep 14, 30 Aug 14, 8-9 Sep 12, 3 Sep 11, 19 Jul 11, 18 Mar 08, 3-4 Jul 04

Photographs are available.


• KHA Namadgi database (private source). Site 257. The Lonesom Pine homestead (also referred to as Lone Pine) was built around 1910.  Today represented by the base of the fireplace, a dead pine tree and overgrown exotics, together with several interesting stone dog kennels.  In the late 1920s or early 30s …

Gudgenby: A register of archaeological sites in the proposed Gudgenby National Park, J H Winston-Gregson MA thesis, ANU, 1978. Site B13 1-3. Very large conifer, blasted by lightening, stands on site. Squared granite hearth, postholes. Builder and only occupant (D Crawford) deserted hut after breaking a leg and remaining helpless for some days (date unknown). Source: Noel Luton 15 July 1977. Corroborated Mrs I Curtis 29 July 1977. House not mentioned in survey of 1908. Site is on southern side of Sheep Station Creek and is covered by tree debris and forest regeneration. See extracts of the relevant pages in the photos above.

Exploring Namadgi & Tidbinbilla: Day Walks in Canberra’s High Country Graeme Barrow, Dagraja Press Canberra, 1987, p 48: “Dan Crawford built the homestead about 1890 and lived there with his wife and six children. He is said to have run a dairy and made cheese in summer which he took to Sydney in winter by dray, leaving his family at the homestead. Another source says it was probably built in 1907, with the pine tree having probably been planted at the same time.