View from Mt Arawang to Bullen Range, Tidbinbilla Range and snow on Mt Gingera

Wednesday 24 August 2022: E-M Wednesday walk Mt Arawang and Cooleman Ridge. Meet at 8:45am for 9am start in the parking area off Namatjira Drive just before the turnoff to Kambah Pool if coming from the north or just after it  if coming the other way along Sulwood Drive.  Climb up and over Mt Arawang then along the Cooleman Ridge ridgeline walking track to northern end of the Nature Reserve climbing Cooleman Hill as a short side trip on the way.  Depending on time and the party may extend walk to Narrabundah Hill.  Return to cars along the Bicentennial National Trail along the western side of Cooleman Ridge.   Distance around 10-14km (depending on Narrabundah Hill) with about 200-250m of climb.


From Garmin Connect (for early leavers)  – Distance: 8.92km | Climb: 306m | Time: 2:12 moving + 0:53 of stops = 3:05 | Grading: M/E; E(6).


Photographs are available here.

gpx File

The gpx file is available here.

Track Notes

I was last on Cooleman Ridge on 27 Feb 2020, when my great mate Phillip S took me for a walk. That day I managed all of 3.5km, so I guess there has been some improvement over the last 2 and a half years.

Many reasons for joining today’s E-M Wednesday Walk – to catch up with old and new friends, to walk more after last Sunday’s disappointing effort, and to sus out a bit of the route for my 4 Sep 22 trip.

The weather was glorious. It was frosty cold when I left my old folks home, but at the meet point I had to retreat to my car to take off the long johns. Shorts were perfect for today. Blue sky and no breeze.

There’s a newly made bike path on the edge of Namatjira Drive between the road and the Arawang horse paddock car park. You have to drive over it to get to the parking, which may soon damage the path.

A brisk climb of around 100vm to Mt Arawang that had me puffing. Most others chatted as they ascended. The plastic mesh on the footpad was slippery.

Climbing the footpad to Mt Arawang

Lovely views from the top to the hills to the west. Snow on Mt Gingera.

View from Mt Arawang to Bullen Range, Tidbinbilla Range and snow on Mt Gingera

Talk about the most popular Australian tree recent event. Although the Snow Gum didn’t win, someone commented that the windswept one on Mt Gingera is the most photographed tree on social media.

A stop for morning tea a kilometre or so the the NW, a group of large logs providing adequate seating for 17. 

Around the reservoir, a little whoopsie in direction, then W to some excellent signage where we regrouped.

A pause at some great signage

It seems that trig bagging can be a dirty business. From the signage:

“The Arawang trig station was established for the surveying of the Tuggeranong sewer tunnel.”

Explanation of Arawang trig and identification of western hills

We turned N and took the short detour up to Cooleman Hill and its trig.

Cooleman trig

Views to Narrabundah Hill (where I’ll start on 4 Sep 22) and NE over Weston Creek suburbs.

Narrabundah Hill and Weston Creek suburbs from Cooleman Hill

500m further to the NW we did a U-turn and walked back to the SE along the SW flank of Cooleman Ridge, on the Bicentennial National Trail. Passed a nice dam with frogs croaking.


Back W of Mt Arawang, Mike gave us the option of a climb to lunch with a view or an exit home. I, along with 5 others, chose the latter. With the brownie points earned from an early return home, I may be able to get out next Wednesday.

Six of us miss lunch for a quick exit to earn brownie points

A great little round.

Track Map

Here’s where we went.

Track Mt Arawang and Cooleman Ridge

The AllTrails map is here, where you can easily pan and zoom.


17 walkers – Mike S (leader).