Walking down towards the Murrumbidgee E of the Bidgge Dam

Tuesday morning 21 May 2024: Opening of Ginninderry Conservation Trust’s Corridor Walking Tracks * – S/E. CBC received an invitation to the open of the new 10km of tracks.


From Garmin Connect (recorded on MAP66i) – Distance: 7.28km | Climb: 185vm | Time: 1:30 moving +1:25 of stops = 2:55 | Grading: S/E,X; E(5).


View photographs here.

gpx file

Download the gpx file here.

Track Map

Here’s where we went. This shows the morning walk in blue and the Shepherd’s Lookout track in pink on the latest 8627-1S Umburra 1:25000 topographic map (collar on) downloaded from SIX.

Track Opening of Ginninderry Tracks

There is also a great schematic map put out by the Trust. Download it here.

Trip Report

This would have to be one of the most delightful soft mornings I’ve spent in quite a while! A lovely day, wonderful views, great company and an extremely well put together opening event by the Ginninderry Conservation Trust. Hats off to all involved!

I was last in the area doing the Shepherds Lookout track on 7 Sep 22. That’s a great track too.

This morning’s invitation was to meet at the Link at 9am and be ferried by vehicle to the Woodland Lookout for the 10.30am opening by ACT Deputy Chief Minister Yvette Berry MLA. I wanted the CBC party to walk the ~1km in, but certainly acquiesced to the organisers’ wishes – safety on the track and cattle to get through. So we were whisked in a big 4X4 with great commentary by the driver to the Woodland Lookout. A huge table of give-aways and morning tea and very pleasant live music.

Great entertainment at the Woodland Lookout for the opening

Opening included Trust and the Ginninderry Developer’s speakers. A unique arrangement where the Trust is funded by the Developer to manage the recreation corridor. Hat’s off to all involved for this. Area residents and walkers are the beneficiaries. We are certainly fortunate to live in Canberra with such magnificent views nearby.

We didn’t dally over morning tea and walked some of the new tracks (thanks Di for picking me up a give-away).

Down the hill (great tracks made by Iconic Trails) towards the Bidgee Dam.

Bidgee Dam

Lovely views to the Murrumbidgee River and back across to the cliffs below Shepherds Lookout.

Looking back to the cliff face below Shepherds Lookout

A swing bridge before …

Swing bridge 1

… Triangle Dam …

Triangle Dam

… and after.

Swing bridge 2

A lovely stone staircase at the northern extent which will weather in nicely.

Stone staircase

The track contoured south for a while.

Walking south

Then across a stunning (gotta use different superlatives) natural creek crossing.

Natural creek crossing

We stopped at the  Nguurung Lookout for smoko.

Finally, back up past the Woodland Dam. Some signage at the straight old vehicle track entry area, including a QR code for an app (covers the Shepherds Lookout track with audio at the moment.

QR code for Ginninderry Conservation Trust guided tour app

We called in at The Link. A very nice lady made us all a coffee!

This place has got a great feel about it! If I didn’t live in an old folks home in north Cooma (Gordon), I’d be very tempted to move to Ginninderry!

Thanks fellow CBC walkers. Trust you enjoyed it.


6 walkers – Eric G, Maureen G, Di McD, Sal O, Max S, me.


The AllTrails map is here, where you can pan and zoom. Includes the Shepherds Lookout track which we didn’t walk today.

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