Murrumbidgee River near the confluence with the Gudgenby River

Thursday 1 November: More walks for Covenant College – S/E. A couple of short walks on a hot day, a little further afield.

Further Information

The third walk run by the Canberra Bushwalking Club for Covenant College year 9/10 students. Thanks to Troy K from Eternity church for doing recces with me for all the walks.


Distance: 7.3km | Climb: 220m | Time: 12.20pm – 3.25pm (3hrs 5mins), including driving | Grading: S/E; E(5)


Photographs are available, where you can start a large sized slideshow.

Waypoint and Track Files

Download the gpx file for this trip (if your browser does not automatically download the file, it will open the gpx file in a new window and you can then save it). To use in Google Earth, do File, Open… and select Gps or All files as the File Type.

Track Notes

The two bushwalks to date had been limited, due to the necessity to start and finish at Covenant College and with restricted hours. Today, thanks to Benji organising a bus from Mura Youth and Community Centre in Lanyon, and Bill W from Eternity church driving, we could get out a bit further.

A hot day at 33ºC, but it’s important to know that, in our hot country, we can still walk at a slower pace and with careful hydration (hat and sunscreen too, of course).

We first drove to Tharwa and lunched in the shade at a bench in the park below the bridge. Then a walk though the shady poplars along the bank of the Murrumbidgee River, across the back of Cuppacumbalong and Outward Bound to the De Salis cemetery. After viewing the class distinction of the graves at the time, we wandered down to the river, near the confluence with the Gudgenby River.

Not a terribly Aussie walk, with the exotic poplars and mown path, so we headed for the Namadgi Visitors Centre.

A slower paced walk up the Australian Alps Walking Track towards Cypress Pine Lookout. We turned around as the heat took a bite, returning via the display of the scar tree and the Mouat Tree.

Nice in the cool of the NVC. Met up with a couple of the luminaries of Australian Alps National Parks and ACT open spaces.

Bused the students back to college, where they were camping for the night.

Let’s hope they enjoyed the three walks and got a taste of bushwalking and the beginning of a love for stewarding the bush.

Track Maps




17 walkers – 14 students, Benji W (teacher), Bill W (bus driver), me.