Grass trees Saturday 4 October: Day trips in Namadgi #7 – Castle Hill followed by Gibraltar Peak followed by Farrer’s grave. Maps: Williamsdale, Tidbinbilla. Leaders: Jenny and Rob H. Transport: ~$24 per car. 6 of us drove in 2 cars...
Repaired drop log fencing at Lutons Crutching Shed | Crawford Homestead site | Dog kennel at Lone Pine Homestead site | ACT border marker S40 Saturday 20 September: A-Z Namadgi Tours – L/M. Second attempt at a 54km mountain bike...
Heading around the top of the T-bars, with the powerline up the Munyang River to Schlink Pass in the distance Thursday 14 August: Beginners snowshoe – Plains of Heaven – S/M. Snowshoeing day trip suitable for beginners from Smiggin Holes...
Tidbinbilla Peak and Camels Hump from near Mt Rob Roy Saturday 9 August: Mt Rob Roy – No Tartan Required – M/E-M. A half-day stroll mainly on fire trails around the hills near Canberra’s southern-most suburbs. Geocaching opportunities numbering seven...
Booroomba Rocks cliff from Mt Tennent Monday 20 May: Mt Tennent – L/E. A quick jaunt up Mt Tennent prior to a meeting at the NVC. Just me. Summary Distance: 14.0km | Climb:820m | Time: 11.40am-2.55pm (3hrs 15mins) | Grading:...
SH1396 and the Booroomba Rocks cliffs Saturday 7 June: Booroomba Rocks – M/M. We will walk along the AAWT from Honeysuckle Creek Camp Ground to Booroomba Rocks car park and then follow the footpad to Booroomba Rocks. From there we...
Red Rocks Gorge Saturday 8 February: Geocaching around Urambi Hills and maybe the Murrumbidgee – M/M. Geocaching around Urambi Hills and maybe further. Finished by lunchtime, so just bring morning tea. Meet on Learmonth Drive Kambah, just near the intersection...
Murrumbidgee River East of ‘Nerreman’ about 3.5km into the walk Tuesday 18 February: Cotter to Uriarra Crossing – M/R,X. Battle the blackberries in the Stoney Creek Nature Reserve (more likely stroll the dry tops) to follow the Murrumbidgee River from...
Paddys River mine area from the abandoned mine pits | New Cotter Dam over the razor wire | Murrumbidgee River downstream from Charlies Point Saturday 1 March: Cotter Cave, Paddys River Mine and environs – M/R,W. Examine the abandoned caves,...
Coornartha NR | Cypress Pines | old bottle | trig | open going | eagles’ nest Tuesday 25 March: Plan C Coornartha Nature Reserve – L/M,X. A ramble around the Coornartha Nature Reserve near Numeralla. Maps: Numeralla and Cooma. Leader:...
Googong Dam from Googong Lookout Saturday 29 March: Bradleys Creek and Black Wallaby Loop – Googong Dam – M/E. Starting at the Downstream Picnic area of the Dam we will follow the Bradley’s Creek Walk looking to find our way...