Last updated 2Jul24

Walking Areas

AAWT Australian Alps Walking Track, Vic, NSW and ACT
ANBG Australian National Botanic Gardens
ANU Australian National University
BB Bluetts Block
BGNR Barren Grounds Nature Reserve, NSW
BHR Brooks Hill Reserve, NSW
BjNR Burrinjuck Nature Reserve, NSW
BM Blue Mountains, NSW
BMNP Blue Mountains National Park, NSW
BMSD Bargo Mine Subsidence District, NSW
BMtNR Black Mountain Nature Reserve, Canberra Nature Park
BNP Brindabella National Park, NSW
BNR Bimberi Nature Reserve, NSW
BRNR Bullen Range Nature Reserve
BSF Buckenbowra State Forest, NSW
BuNP Budawang National Park, NSW
BuSF Bungongo State Forest, NSW
BSRA Bungonia State Recreation Area, NSW
CbrLakes Canbera’s lakes and ponds
CC Cotter Catchment
CCT Canberra Centenary Trail
CNP Canberra Nature Park
CNR Coornartha Nature Reserve, NSW
CoNR Cookbundoon Nature Reserve, NSW
CRNR Cooleman Ridge Nature Reserve, Canberra Nature Park
CuNR Cuumbeun Nature Reserve, NSW
CRNP Clyde River Nature Park, NSW
DGNR Dunlop Grasslands Nature Reserve, Canberra Nature Park
DNP Deua National Park, NSW
DNR Dananbilla Nature Reserve, NSW
FP Fairbairn Pines
GCC Ginninderry Conservation Corridor
GF Googong Dam Foreshores, NSW
GGNR Gungaderra Grasslands Nature Reserve, Canberra Nature Park
GiNR Gillindich Nature Reserve, NSW
GNR Gigerline Nature Reserve
GoNR Goorooyarroo Nature Reserve, Canberra Nature Park
JNP Jerrawangala National Park, NSW
JW Jerrabomberra Wetlands
KNP Kosciuszko National Park, NSW
KNR Kama Nature Reserve, Canberra Nature Park
KvSCA Keverstone State Conservation Area, NSW
KSCA Kybeyan State Conservation Area, NSW
LBG Lake Burley Griffin
LTug Lake Tuggeranong
MCSCA Majors Creek State Conservation Area, NSW
MFNR Mulligans Flat Nature Reserve, Canberra Nature Park
MGNR Molonglo Gorge Nature Reserve
MNP Morton National Park, NSW
MNR Mundoonen Nature Reserve, NSW
MoNP Monga National Park, NSW
MoSF Monga State Forest, NSW
MRC Murrumbidgee River Corridor
MoRC Molonglo River Corridor
MtANR Mt Ainslie Nature Reserve, Canberra Nature Park
MtMNR Mt Majura Nature Reserve, Canberra Nature Park
MtPNR Mt Painter Nature Reserve, Canberra Nature Park
MtTNR Mt Taylor Nature Reserve, Canberra Nature Park
MuNR Mundoonen Nature Reserve, NSW
NaNP Nattai National Park, NSW
NArb National Arboretum
NNP Namadgi National Park
NNR Nadgigomar Nature Reserve, NSW
NSCA Nuggetty State Conservation Area, NSW
PCPF Pierces Creek Pine Forest
Pri Privately owned land
PSF Penrose State Forest, NSW
Rail Railway line easement
RHNR Red Hill Nature Reserve, Canberra Nature Park
RRNR Rob Roy Nature Reserve, Canberra Nature Park
SCNR Stoney Creek Nature Reserve, NSW
SwCNR Swamp Creek Nature Reserve
SRNR Scabby Range Nature Reserve, NSW
SYD Sydney, NSW
TP Tuggeranong Pines
TNP Tallaganda National Park, NSW
TSCA Tallaganda State Conservation Area, NSW
TSF Tallaganda State Forest, NSW
TPNR The Pinnacle Nature Reserve, Canberra Nature Park
TNR Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve
TiNR Tinderry Nature Reserve, NSW
TRNP Tarlo River National Park, NSW
UHNR Urambi Hills Nature Reserve, Canberra Nature Park
Urban Canberra Urban areas
WHNR Wanniassa Hills Nature Reserve, Canberra Nature Park
WNR Woodstock Nature Reserve
YNP Yanununbeyan National Park, NSW
YNR Yaouk Nature Reserve, NSW
YSCA Yanununbeyan State Conservation Area, NSW
YSF Yerriyong State Forest