Last updated 18Jun19

Glendale amenities block

The Glendale amenities block is located at the picnic area on the west side of the Boboyan Road just north of Glendale Crossing in the Namadgi National Park.

Location: very near GR 55H FA 80837-49610 (MGA94), Rendezvous Creek 8626-1S 1:25000

Glendale Amenities Block, April 2008

Visits: 5 Apr 08, 1 Apr 08

Photographs are available.


• KHA Namadgi database (private source). Site 238. On site of former visitor centre which was removed to Canberra Nature Park in 1990. Includes septic toilet block with associated water tanks and pump (c1973).  The picnic facilities (BBQs, firewood bin, picnic tables) were installed 1990 making use of the …

Gudgenby: A register of archaeological sites in the proposed Gudgenby National Park, J H Winston-Gregson MA thesis, ANU, 1978. Site YA11. Concrete brick walls and floor; water tower is concrete brick surmounted by concrete tank. See extracts of the relevant pages in the photos above.