Last updated 10Jun19

Bendora Hut

Bendora Hut is a distinctive iron hut with a skillion roof, having a fireplace along the long side wall. It is located just off the crest of the Brindabella Range in the Namadgi National Park.

Location: GR 55H FA 63002-78688 (MGA94), Tidbinbilla 8627-2S 1:25000

Bendora Hut March 2011

Visits: 16 Mar 19, 16 Jan 16, 18 Jun 11, 7 Jun 11, 29 Mar 11, 13 May 08, 18 Dec 07, 3 Apr 07, 21 Oct 06, 19 Jan 05

Photographs are available.


KHA web site: Bendora Hut is a distinctive iron hut with a skillion roof, having a fireplace along the long side wall.  It was built, probably in 1938-39, for the forestry and road construction activities of that period. Charles Lane-Poole named the arboretum and adjacent hut after a species of New Guinea timber.

• Nearby signage: Bendor Hut – a refuge in the mountains. Bendora Hut provided welcome warmth and shelter for people establishing and working at the Bendora Arboretum in the 1940s. Tents and cubicles nearby served as sleeping quarters white the hut was used as the kitchen and dining area. THis was the last hut built for arboretum support following Pryors Hut located 20.6km further along the Mt Franklin Road. Bendora Hut was also used by loggers, skiers and an Australian National University PhD student studying bats.

• alternatively – Source Beyond the Cotter by Allan J Mortlock and Klaus Hueneke, ANU Press Canberra 1979 “This old building of corrugated iron and wood was originally transported from Yarralumla in 1946 and used by the workers who tended the nearby arboretum. In 1966 it was renovated by the Uriarra foresters.”