Last updated 31Aug16
Here’s details of a few Namadgi footpads which can quickly get you places. Use the details carefully – all guides (be they man-made or even natural) change. Always be equipped with map and compass (and know how to use them) and know where you’re coming from and where you’re going to.

NB Click on any thumbnail map or photo for a larger version
26 Mt Namadgi via Middle Creek – not a footpad, but hopefully the definitive route
I have some other footpads/routes that I have yet to document. They are:
27 Burnt Hill fire trail – partial
28 Footpad from Blue Range towards Coree Creek
29 Booroomba Rocks South Buttress footpad
30 Deadmans Hill old vehicle track
31 Mt Domain (replaces 19 above).
Ben Harvey kindly provided the following on 5 Nov 13:
Obviously there is the track North and south on the orroral ridge to access areas such as legoland.
The track that links orroral tracking station with orroral picnic ground (although this is signposted reasonably well).
There is an old rd, I’m guessing the old Apollo rd that starts out the back of the Ballineen property on Apollo rd and follows Apollo rd parallel on the other side of honeysuckle ck till it crosses at a Ford and joins Apollo at a locked gate approx 1km from hs tracking station. If you follow the creek up from the Ford there are some pretty cool boulder formations to crawl over and under etc. I’m pretty sure you would need to gain permission to access the Ballineen end of the track but it does link Ballineen with honeysuckle quite nicely and the boulders are pretty quickly accessible from the hs end.
There is a foot pad that heads up to mt Morgan from a saddle approx 2kms NNW of the summit, there is also what appears to be an old overgrown vehicle track that traverses the saddle from E to W, not sure where it starts or finishes though. There is a really nice spot for a campsite in the saddle there too.
1 AAWT from Namadgi Visitors Centre to Murrays Gap
AAWT in ACT – overview 1 |
AAWT in ACT – overview 2 |
AAWT in ACT – map 1 |
AAWT in ACT – map 2 |
AAWT in ACT – map 3 |
AAWT in ACT – map 4 |
AAWT in ACT – map 5 |
AAWT in ACT – map 6 |
AAWT in ACT – map 7 |
AAWT in ACT – map 8 |
AAWT in ACT – map 9 |
General description: This route commences at the Namadgi Visitors Centre and finishes at Murrays Gap on the NSW/ACT border. It uses footpads and management trails. There is little signage in the Bimberi Wilderness west of the Cotter Hut Rd.
Start: Namadgi Visitors Centre at UTM 55H 687284-6066083 (MGA94) (outer car park at UTM 55H 687292-6066198 (MGA94))
Finish: Murrays Gap signage at UTM 55H 662591-6049795 (MGA94).
Distance: 45.4km
Climb: 2000m
Time: 2 days.
Detailed description:
1 Namadgi Visitors Centre to Honeysuckle Creek. Park in the outer car park if you’re starting early or finishing late and go round the side of the Visitors Centre. Cross the bridge over the pond. Cross the Naas Rd. A well defined and benched track climbs through Cypress Pine Lookout to a T-intersection (UTM 55H 684540-6065630 (MGA94) on the N spur of Mt Tennent. (Here the S track goes to Mt Tennent.) Follow the AAWT signage to the N (right), the track U-turning to the S and descending to Bushfold Flats. It joins the main N-S Bushfold Flats track at UTM 55H 683678-6065209 (MGA94). Note the realignment of the section of the AAWT between Cypress Pine Lookout and N Bushfold Flats since the 2003 bush fires – the actual track differs from the 2nd edn 1:25000 Williamsdale topographic map. Continue S along Bushfold Flats to the AAWT marker at UTM 55H 683653-6063797 (MGA94), where the AAWT veers SW. Head for the dam at the top of Georges Creek. The AAWT enters timber and climbs to the Booroomba Rocks car park at UTM 55H 680579-6062193 (MGA94), arriving near the toilet. Note the realignment of the section of the AAWT between S Bushfold Flats and near Booroomba Rocks car park since the 2003 bush fires – the actual track differs from the 2nd edn 1:25000 Williamsdale and Corin Dam topographic maps. The AAWT leaves the Booroomba Rocks car park to the W and roughly parallels the Booroomba Rocks road. At a sign-posted T-intersection at UTM 55H 678600-6060758 (MGA94), a short link track leads to the Honeysuckle Creek camping ground, whilst the AAWT skirts to the SW of the area.
Distance: 15km.
2 Honeysuckle Creek to Orroral Valley. Starting from the Honeysuckle Creek camping ground, go onto the Orroral Ridge Rd, otherwise continue along the AAWT SW of the camping ground to join the Orroral Ridge Rd at UTM 55H 678745-6060151 (MGA94). Climb to near the crest of the Orroral Ridge, but turn SE onto the Link Track at UTM 55H 677267-6058192 (MGA94). Continue on the Link Track, a well formed management trail, steeply down. Cross the Orroral River bridge. Continue on to an AAWT sign-posted junction at UTM 55H 676335-6056146 (MGA94). The Orroral Valley tracking station car park is ~1km down the valley, either across the valley floor or via the Cotter Hut Rd.
Distance: 10km.
3 Orroral Valley to Cotter Hut. Starting from the Orroral Valley tracking station car park, go ~1km up the valley, or via the gravel walking track near the toilets and the Cotter Hut Rd, to the AAWT sign-posted junction at UTM 55H 676335-6056146 (MGA94). Follow the footpad/mown route up the valley, crossing the board walk over James Creek, to the AAWT sign-posted intersection at Rowleys Orroral Hut site at UTM 55H 675499-6057387 (MGA94). Follow the curving old vehicle track SW to join the Cotter Hut Rd. Plod the Cotter Hut Rd, using the short cut from the bottom at UTM 55H 674361-6057364 (MGA94) to the top at UTM 55H 673967-6057322 (MGA94) (see Cotter Hut Road corner shortcut) to reach the AAWT footpad intersection at UTM 55H 673297-6057167 (MGA94). This is the edge of the Bimberi Wilderness and there are very few AAWT signs from this point on. (NB The AAWT from this intersection on Cotter Hut Road to Cotter Hut has been cleared to a width of ~2m.) Turn W (left) onto this very pleasant footpad, following it across Sawpit Creek and up to Cotter Gap. From Cotter Gap below Split Rock, follow the AAWT footpad down parallel with Pond Creek, crossing another arm of Pond Creek. Note the realignment of the section of the AAWT between the Cotter Hut Rd and Pond Creek since the 2003 bush fires – the actual track differs from the 2nd edn 1:25000 Corin Dam and Rendezvous Creek topographic maps. Continue along the AAWT SW towards Cotter Flats, skirting around the N side of the little soggy pond just after crossing Pond Creek. With the tall poplar tree in view on the side of Cotter Flats, jump the fence and head to it, then onto the Cotter River ford at UTM 55H 665801-6053521 (MGA94), else continue to follow the AAWT as it U-turns S to N. Ford the Cotter River. After ~250m turn S (left) onto Yaouk Trail and follow it to Cotter Hut at UTM 55H 665772-6053234 (MGA94).
Distance: 15km.
4 Cotter Hut to Murrays Gap. Leave the Cotter Hut precinct S on Yaouk Trail. Cross Bimberi Creek. At the intersection with the Murray Gap Trail at UTM 55H 665718-6051929 (MGA94), turn SW (right) onto the Murray Gap Trail. Cross Little Bimberi Creek. A steep 350m climb towards Murrays Gap, crossing the drainage line flowing E from Murrays Gap. The AAWT on this leg is used, then unused, management trail. Leaving the tree line, follow the footpad up a grassy/damp area to the sign at Murrays Gap at UTM 55H 662591-6049795 (MGA94).
Distance: 6.5km.
Recent use: Parts of it on 8 Dec 12, 9 Oct 12, 8 May 12, 24 Mar 12, 15-16 Oct 11. Most of it on 4 Feb 12.
2012 10 09 Newly cleared AAWT near Prairie Dog Creek |
2012 10 09 Newly cleared AAWT near N Cotter Hut Rd intersection |
2012 12 08 Split Rock from just above Pond Creek at Cotter Gap |
2012 12 08 AAWT near the top of the descent beside Pond Creek |
2012 12 08 Bimberi Peak above the AAWT a couple of hundred metres NE of the creek crossing near Pond Creek Flats |
2012 12 08 AAWT a couple of hundred metres SW of the creek crossing near Pond Creek Flats |
2012 12 08 Marker on the AAWT at the junction with the Licking Hole Creek Gauging Station service road |
2 Bimberi Peak footpad from Murrays Gap
Bimberi Peak footpad
from Murrays Gap track |
General description: This route commences on the N side of Murrays Gap and ascends to Bimberi Peak via a heavily cairned (and well-worn and taped 23-24 May 15; orange tape as at 5-6 Apr 13) footpad.
Start: A small cairn (and orange tape as at 5-6 Apr 13) just on the edge of the tree line on the N side of Murrays Gap at UTM 55H 662563-6049866 (MGA94)
Finish: Bimberi Peak quadruped trig UTM 55H 662077-6052360 (MGA94)
Distance: 3.1km
Climb: 390m
Time: 1hr 25mins at a dawdle up and down on 23-24 May 15; 2hr 10mins (up) on 25 Apr 13; around 1hr 30mins (up) and 1hr (down) on 4 Feb 12.
Detailed description: The footpad is heavily cairned (and orange tape as at 5-6 Apr 13). It climbs gently through open forest from the timbered N edge of Murrays Gap from 1520m to 1600m. Border marker E76 is right beside the pad at UTM 55H 662669-6050144 (MGA94). It then climbs more steeply to 1800m. Some portions of the footpad are stony. The pad generally follows the ACT-NSW border. Border marker S75 is right beside the pad at UTM 55H 662690-6051299 (MGA94). There are, however, some multiple, braided, cairned pads, so one still needs to be careful. At around 1800m it swings from generally N-ish (going up) to NW-ish and climbs more gently via a lovely open, sub alpine spur through Snow Gums. The footpad is routed through border marker G75 at UTM 55H 662178-6052271 (MGA94) to Bimberi Peak at 1911m. The trig can be seen from a few hundred metres away.
Recent use: 23-24 May 15, 25 Apr 13, 5-6 Apr 13, 4 Feb 12.
2013 04 5-6 Tape and cairn on footpad to Bimberi Peak from Murrays Gap |
2013 04 5-6 Example of Tape and cairn on footpad to Bimberi Peak from Murrays Gap |
2013 04 5-6 E76 – right beside pad to Bimberi |
2013 04 5-6 S75 – next to pad |
2013 04 5-6 G75 – the footpad tromps across it |
2012 02 04 Top |
3 Mt Blundell descent towards Pabral Rd
Mt Blundell descent towards Pabral Rd |
The old fire trail is not shown on the first or second edition Cotter Dam 1:25000 topographic map. It is shown on the Cotter Dam OZraster digital map.
General description: This old fire trail commences at Mt Blundell and heads SW down a spur to the edge of NNP. From the bottom, moguled fire trails head generally W-ish to meet Pabral Rd. It appears (14 May 13) to be well maintained, with cleared vegetation and sawn off sapling stumps.
Start: Fire trail junction at Mt Blundell at UTM 55H 668325-6092806 (MGA94)
Finish: Old fire trail junction at UTM 55H 667656-6091363 (MGA94)
Distance: 1.8km. A further 0.94km from the bottom across to Pabral Rd.
Descent: 400m
Time: 30mins to descend on 14 May 13.
Detailed description: Follow your nose. Steep in places.
Recent use: 14 May 13, 26 Aug 08.
No pic |
Top end |
2013 05 14 Old fire trail at 970m |
2013 05 14 Old fire trail at 930m |
2013 05 14 Old fire trail bottom junction |
2013 05 14 Moguled fire trail down to Coree Creek |
2013 05 14 Climbing out of the Coree Creek crossing |
4 Bulls Flat FT (partial)
Bulls Flat FT (partial) |
General description: This fire trail commences near the complex intersection of Sams Creek FT and the Old Boboyan Rd. It heads generally S to an intersection with the Waterholes FT, then heads W-ish to join the Grassy Creek FT.
Start: Fire trail junction marked with signage, just S of the Old Boboyan Rd ford over Naas Creek, at UTM 55H 676744-6033009 (MGA94)
Intermediate point: Intersection with Waterholes FT AT UTM 55H 676332-6031200 (MGA94)
Finish: Fire trail Junction with Grassy Creek FT at UTM 55H 674696-60316486 (MGA94)
Distance: 2.1km to Waterholes FT intersection
Climb: 50m
Time: 25mins to Waterholes FT intersection on 8-9 Sep 12.
Detailed description: Check the new fire trail metal signs to ensure that you’re on the correct fire trail, then follow your nose. Call in at the stockyards on the side of the FT at UTM 55H 676386-6031358 (MGA94).
Recent use: 8-9 Sep 12.
No pic |
N end |
T-intesection with Waterholes FT |
5 Corin Dam to Stockyard Spur
Corin Dam to Stockyard Spur track |
General description: This route commences opposite the Corin Dam toilet block and ascends a spur to join the Stockyard Spur track at a helicopter landing pad/turnaround circle.
Start: New steps (the 4 steps represent the 4 rises in the track and the seat is for either pre-walk contemplation or post-walk recovery!) on the other side of the road down to the picnic area from the Corin Dam toilets UTM 55H 666341-6066179 (MGA94)
Finish: A large helicopter landing pad/turnaround circle UTM 55H 664548-6066035 (MGA94)
Distance: 2.2km
Time: New track – 52mins (up), 40mins (down). Old track – around 1hr (up); best 52mins; 58mins on 28 Jun 11.
New track
Detailed description: Start at the steps opposite the Corin Dam toilets. The upgraded track commences as a swathe through nicely cleared pea regrowth. A zig and a zag – you can’t go wrong. A series of timber steps, then some stone steps. Occasional timber steps as the track rises. Again, just follow your nose. This track is usable at night time with a torch (came down on the night of 27 Oct 12). There is a large, cleared helicopter landing pad and vehicle turnaround at the top.
Recent use: 27 Oct 12, 13 Oct 12, 30 Jun 12.
2012 10 13 Start of stepped track to Stockyard Spur |
2012 06 30 The top end of the track – helicopter pad and turning circle |
Old track
Detailed description: Step up the little bank on the other side of the road down to the picnic area from the Corin Dam toilets. After a couple of metres climb over a large tree trunk across the footpad. There are a few tapes and the footpad zigs then zags up through patches of tall pea regrowth, including along an old benched road. Be careful of the next turn – after around 40m on the zag, turn right up a steep incline. There are a couple of old fuel stove only and track signs on posts in the bush. Turn right again onto the footpad. It rises in a further 3 steep pinches. The start is at 940m and the top at 1490m, so that’s a climb of 550m over 2.2km. The footpad is quite well used and clearly defined. Where it joins the Stockyard Spur track, there is a small rock cairn beside the footpad and another in the middle of the Stockyard Spur track.
Recent use: 28 Jun 11, 5 Feb 11, 12 Jun 10, 11 May 10, 10 Apr 10, 5 Sep 09, 19 May 09, 18 Apr 09, 14 Apr 09, 24 Mar 09, …
Comment: Around 2006 a lone bush runner was lost and presumably died in this area. There are plans to clear 5m each side of this footpad to make an escape route for firefighters.
2010 06 12 Marker cairn at top of footpad from Corin Dam |
2010 06 12 Marker cairn at top of footpad from Corin Dam |
6 Cotter Hut Road corner shortcut
Cotter Hut Road corner shortcut |
General description: This route cuts the sharp corner in the Cotter Hut Road around 4km NW of the Orroral Tracking Station car park
Bottom of shortcut: Gully at UTM 55H 674361-6057364 (MGA94). Watch for the large blackened stump. Small rock cairn against stump.
Top of shortcut: UTM 55H 673967-6057322 (MGA94). When coming down the Cotter Hut Road, look for the rock on the left, the tree on the right. Two old, small pink tapes.
Distance: 0.42km
Time: 10mins (up).
Detailed description: Follow the footpad – it’s quite distinct.
Recent use: 17 Nov 12, 13 Nov 10, 19 Oct 10, 1-4 Oct 10, 22 May 10, 11 Aug 09, 11 Oct 08, ….
2010 05 22 Bottom of Cotter Hut Road shortcut |
2010 05 22 Top of Cotter Hut Road shortcut |
7 New Grassy Creek fire trail
New Grassy Creek fire trail |
General description: A realigned portion of the Grassy Creek fire trail extending from near Westermans Hut, generally paralleling the border, to the NW-NE bend at the Scabby Range Nature Reserve.
Start: Near Westermans Hut
Finish: At the intersection of the short leg of fire trail which enters the Scabby Range Nature Reserve at UTM 55H 673409-6030014 (MGA94)
Distance: Approx 8km
Time: 1hr 30mins.
Detailed description: The new Grassy Creek fire trail must diverge from the original near Westermans Hut. I’ve joined it by continuing up the slope from the Westerman graves. It climbs SW up a drainage line towards the border, swinging NW to parallel it. There is a fire trail link of a few tens of metres which joins a fire trail on the NSW side of the border, at the NSW Portion Survey reference tree at UTM 55H 676597-6026461 (MGA94). The new Grassy Creek ft continues, dropping away from the border for a time, then looping to join it N of SH1314. Drop log fencing can be seen a little further on. It continues NW along the border and there is a junction with the original Grassy Creek ft (the junction is marked) at UTM 55H 674302-6029061 (MGA94). From here it continues generally NW until the NW-NE turn in the original Grassy Creek fire trail. At this end point of the realignment, there is a short section leading to a gate into the Scabby Range Nature Reserve.
Recent use: 8-9 Sep 12, 15 Mar 11, 20 Jul 10.
2010 04 13 NSW Portion survey reference |
2010 07 20 Old Grassy Creek ft junction with new Grassy Creek ft |
2010 07 20 ACT border marker survey blaze at top of fire trail leg to New Grassy Creek fire trail – no BM in middle of ft |
8 Footpad to Gudgenby saddle
Footpad to Gudgenby saddle |
General description: This route commences at the Yankee Hat car park and follows the Old Boboyan Road, then fire trails and finally an open feeder creek to an arm of Bogong Creek to the tree line. A taped footpad goes generally SW to the saddle SE below Mt Gudgenby.
Start of footpad: an old yellow tape (fallen to the ground, I think) and new blue tape at the top of an open lead above a Bogong Creek drainage line UTM 55H 675386-6039269 (MGA94). Tapes gone now.
Finish: Small cairn at E end of Gudgenby saddle UTM 55H 673316-6038571 (MGA94)
Distance: 4.5km Yankee Hat car park to tapes + 2.4km of footpad = 6.9km
Time: 1hr + 1hr = 2hrs (up) – going pretty flat out, up in 1hr 30mins on 14 Sep 10; around 1hr 30mins (down).
Detailed description: Follow the Old Boboyan Road SW from the car park for 1.4km. Turn W (right) at UTM 55H 677634-6040078 (MGA94) onto a fire trail which is not marked on the Yaouk 8626-2N 1:25000 Second Edition 1:25000 map (but it is marked on the First Edition map). Follow the fire trail W and SW to near Bogong Creek. Cross the fire trail coming from near Frank and Jacks Hut and heading across the more recently made Bogong Creek culvert (the bridge crossing marked on the First Edn map does not exist any more). Follow the fire trail above the SE side of the top of Bogong Creek to a bend at UTM 55H 675854-6039615 (MGA94). This is where you leave the fire trail, crossing old fencing lying on the ground and a large roll of old netting. Make your way generally SW down across the drainage line and gently up through the open lead to the tapes at the top of the cleared area at UTM 55H 675386-6039269 (MGA94).
The footpad heads generally SW up 260m over the 2.9km. It is marked by new (around Jul09) blue tapes, older pink tapes, the occasional small cairn and one or two yellow tapes. At UTM 55H 673878-6038750 (MGA94), head hard left up the hill following a line of close pink tapes (this is where I used to loose the pad, so I put an extra cairn there on 14 Sep 10); this change in alignment is not so noticeable coming down.
Recent use: 7-8 Jul 12, 3 Sep 11, 30 Aug 11, 14 Sep 10, 12 Jul 10, 8 May 10, 9 Mar 10, 19 Sep 09, 21 Jul 09, …
2010 05 08 Tape at start of Gudgenby saddle footpad |
2010 05 08 Small marker cairn on the footpad to Gudgenby saddle at around the 1130m contour |
2010 05 08 Pink tape on the footpad to Gudgenby saddle at around the 1130m contour |
2010 05 08 Blue tape on the footpad to Gudgenby saddle at around the 1160m contour |
2010 05 08 Small marker cairn on the footpad to Gudgenby saddle at around the 1220m contour |
2010 09 14 Extra marker cairn constructed on footpad to Gudgenby Saddle at ‘hard left up the hill following pinks’ |
2010 03 09 Cairn on E end of Gudgenby Saddle showing top of footpad |
9 Gudgenby Saddle to Sams Creek fire trail
Gudgenby Saddle to Sams Creek fire trail |
General description: Starts at the saddle SE of Mt Gudgenby and follows a drainage line WSW down to cross the Naas Creek and join the Sams Creek fire trail
Start of footpad: Small cairn at E end of Gudgenby saddle UTM 55H 673316-6038571 (MGA94)
Finish: Double blue tape (positioned 2009) at an indistinct intersection with the Sams Creek fire trail UTM 55H 672344-6038251 (MGA94). Gone now, so just head for the huge grey timbers across the track.
Distance: 1.1km
Time: 35mins (down).
Detailed description: The footpad (indistinct in places) starts at the Gudgenby Saddle (taped from the starting cairn across the saddle, then the tapes stop) and follows a drainage line on its SE side down to the Naas Creek (I tend to stay high going down and close to the drainage line coming up). A drop of around 60m. Cross the Naas Creek and continue WSW a further 100m to intersect the indistinct Sams Creek fire trail at the double blue tapes.
Recent use: 7-8 Jul 12, 3 Sep 11, 30 Aug 11, 28 Sep 10, 14 Sep 10, 12 Jul 10, 19 Sep 09, 21 Jul 09, 8-9 Jul 06, 2-3 Jan 06, 16 Oct 04.
Cairn on E end of Gudgenby Saddle |
10 Fire Trails around Hardy Hill
A note on the fire trails around Hardy Hill:
1 The Cotter Dam 8627-2N Second Edition 1:25000 topographic map shows no fire trails directly South of Hardy Hill. The first map segment below shows the track for 2013 06 18 Hardy trig section (blue) and part of the track for 2009 05 12 Hardy Range to Camels Hump (red)
2 The second Cotter Dam 8627-2N First Edition 1:25000 topographic map segment shows only the beginning of the Hardy Range crest old fire trail (marked ‘Four Wheel Drive’)
3 The third OZraster digital map (prepared from NSW LPI data in 2011) segment shows the full extent of the Hardy Range crest old fire trail. It also shows a trail from near the locked gate to Hardy trig. We may have been just East of this on 18 Jun 13, touching on it near the trig
Recent use: 18 Jun 13, 12 May 09, 11 Aug 07.
11 (Footpad to) Hospital Creek Hut
Footpad to Hospital Creek Hut |
General description: This footpad commences from the Old Boboyan Road and goes generally ESE to the Hospital Creek Hut.
Start of footpad: intersection of old vehicle track and Old Boboyan Road UTM 55H 677481-6037749 (MGA94)
Finish: Hospital Creek Hut UTM 55H 677760-6037548 (MGA94)
Distance: 0.4km
Time: 15mins.
Detailed description: The route begins at the E side of the Old Boboyan Road, around 1.9km S of the turnoff to Frank and Jacks Hut, at UTM 55H 677481-6037749 (MGA94). Initially an faint old vehicle track, soon deteriorating into a footpad. Comes in at the side and back of Hospital Creek Hut.
Recent use: 27 Mar 12, 3 Sep 11, 9 Mar 10.
2010 03 09 Lazing about at arvo tea at Hospital Creek Hut |
12 Leura Gap E fire trail
Leura Gap E fire trail on 2nd edn map |
Leura Gap E fire trail on 1st edn map |
General description: This management trail commences at Leura Gap and goes down to join the Mt Franklin fire trail.
Start of trail: Leura Gap and around UTM 55H 661204-6055305 (MGA94)
Finish: Joins Mt Franklin fire trail at around UTM 55H 662532-6054995 (MGA94)
Distance: around 1.5km
Time: 25mins.
Detailed description: The route begins at the gate at Leura Gap and generally follows the line of the fire trail on the 1st edn map. It ends at the intersection with the Mt Franklin fire trail where you can get water from McKeahnie Creek. It is not shown on the 2nd edn map. (There is also a management trail going W into the Bimberi Nature Reserve.)
Recent use: 27 Oct 12, 9-10 Jan 09.
2009 01 09-10 Fire trail heading E from Leura Gap |
2012 10 27 Leura Gap E fire trail |
13 Maurice Luton fire trail
Maurice Luton fire trail |
Fire plan area of walk |
General description: The Maurice Luton fire trail runs from its intersection with Sams Creek fire trail (S of Mt Gudgenby and at the top of the Naas Creek/Boboyan Valley) generally SW and W to the ACT-NSW border. It continues on in the NSW Scabby Range Nature Reserve and heads NW to the Rowleys Hut at Yaouk.)
Start of fire trail: Intersection with Sams Creek fire trail at UTM 55H 672877-6036825 (MGA94)
Finish: At ACT-NSW border UTM 55H
Distance: 2.2km
Time: 35mins.
Detailed description: The start of the fire trail is well signposted at a cleared area. The Maurice Luton fire trail is a well made construct, climbing 100m beside a drainage line to the ACT-NSW border.
Recent use: 30 Aug 11 (from junction with Sams Creek fire trail to ACT-NSW border), 14 Sep 10 (from junction with Sams Creek fire trail to ACT-NSW border), 21 Jul 09.
Recent use: 14 Dec 11
2009 07 21 Junction of Sams Creek, Grassy Creek and Maurice Luton fire trails |
2009 07 21 Junction of Sams Creek, Grassy Creek and Maurice Luton fire trails |
2009 07 21 Maurice Luton fire trail crosses Sams Creek |
14 Middle Creek old vehicle track – partial
Middle Creek old vehicle track – partial |
General description: This old vehicle track starts at Gudgenby Homestead and heads generally West, crosses Middle Creek and ends near the tree line in the mouth of Middle Creek.
Start of track: Gudgenby Homestead (a PCL Ranger lives there, so it’s private property) UTM 55H 679520-6042761 (MGA94)
Finish: A tape in the mouth of Middle Creek UTM 55H 675792-6043551 (MGA94)
Distance: 3.4+km
Time: < 1hr.
Detailed description: I don’t have a GPS record of the first part of this old vehicle track, but you can see it leaving Gudgenby Homestead on Google Earth. It heads generally West-ish to the 1000m contour, then across a new concrete bridge over Middle Creek. It passes J Rustins Hut site (UTM 55H 677060-6043143 (MGA94)) at the kink in the fence line. It passes near the Middle Creek cascades and axe-grinding groove (UTM 55H 676795-6043204 (MGA94)) as it parallels Middle Creek near its South bank. It ends at a tape on a bush, a few tens of metres from Middle Creek where one crosses to the Middle Creek indigenous rock shelter (UTM 55H 675730-6043594 (MGA94).
Recent use: 16 Apr 13 (some), 1 Dec 12.
2012 04 21 Gudgenby Homestead |
2012 12 01 Bridge over Middle Creek |
2011 10 22 J Rustins hut site |
2012 12 01 Marker tape at end of Middle Creek old vehicle track |
15 Namadgi Visitors Centre to Mt Tennent
Namadgi Visitors Centre to Mt Tennent |
General description: This route commences at the Namadgi Visitors Centre and climbs 800m to Mt Tennent using a combination of AAWT (realigned in places), old vehicle track, footpad and Mt Tennent Fire Trail
Start of footpad: Namadgi Visitors Centre UTM 55H 687176-6065974 (MGA94). If you are returning after the (inner) gates are closed at 4pm, park in the area between those inner gates and the road
Finish: Mt Tennent UTM 55H 685219-6063853 (MGA94)
Distance: 7.3km
Time: 1hr 45mins (up, quick); 1hr 30mins (down, slower); 1hr 5mins (down, at a trot).
Detailed description: Starting from the Namadgi Visitors Centre, the AAWT goes 600m along over the wooden bridge and up through the woodland via formed gravel tracks to cross the Naas Road (watch out for vehicles!). A further 1.9km and 160m climb along well-worn track and footpad gets you to Cypress Pine Lookout. From here, 2.4km and 340m climb along the AAWT brings you to a T-intersection on the NW ridge to Mt Tennent. There are sections of stone staircases, which are beautifully framed by wildflowers in Spring. Note that the AAWT has been fairly significantly realigned since the publication of the Williamsdale 8726-4N 1:25000 second edition map.(From here, the AAWT on its new alignment continues to the right (NW), swinging around and going down to Bushfold Flats.) Go left (generally S, but actually SW then SE) along footpad and old vehicle track for 1.3km, first descending then ascending around 100m. This finally brings you through a clearing (at the top of Tong’s sheep yard site) and to the intersection with the Mt Tennent Fire Trail at UTM 55H 684681-6064529 (MGA94). Turn half left onto it and trudge uphill for 1.1km, climbing a further 160m.
Recent use: …, 7 Oct 12, 19 May 12 (part), 28 Jan 12, 28 May 11, 19 Feb 11, 15 May 10, 8 Sep 09, 16 Dec 08, 27 Dec 07, 31 Jul 07, 21 Oct 05, 17 Apr 04, 15 Mar 04.
2010 05 15 Cypress Pine Lookout |
2009 09 08 Hardenbergia on Mt Tennent staircase |
2010 05 15 T-intersection with Mt Tennent left and AAWT right |
2010 05 15 Footpad from old AAWT alignment meets Mt Tennent fire trail |
16 Orroral River left bank
Orroral River left bank |
General description: This route commences by crossing the Orroral River down from Rowleys Orroral Hut site, then follows an old vehicle track downstream, around 140m up from the river bank. It clears the light tree cover near the huge boulder, within sight of the Orroral River bridge carrying the Link Track (AAWT).
Start: Cross the Orroral River via the remnants of the old footbridge (W-G site OR12), which has been washed downstream to UTM 55H 675680-6057508 (MGA94). The crossing can be found 200m from Rowleys Orroral Valley Hut site on a bearing of 42°M.
Finish: Orroral River bridge carrying the AAWT Link Track at UTM 55H 676697-6056367 (MGA94)
Distance: 1.9km.
Detailed description: After crossing the Orroral River, head up from the river bank, then turn downstream. Animal pads lead to an old vehicle track (if you’re fortunate enough to strike it); if not found, just continue SE through the generally open going. The last third of the route is through light timber, coming out into the open within view of the huge boulder and the Orroral River bridge and Link Track. It may be difficult to find the old vehicle track when traversing this route in the upstream direction.
2011 12 14 E side of Orroral River from W-G OR12 Footbridge site showing bridge remnants washed downstream |
17 (Orroral Valley) Nursery Creek to Rendezvous Creek
Nursery Swamp Walking Track to Rendezvous Creek |
General description: This route commences at the Nursery Swamp car park on the Orroral Road and initially follows the Nursery Swamp Walking Track. Cross the bridge over Nursery Creek and, at a distinct U-bend in the Track (the ‘Rob H turnoff’ – I always used to leave the track above Nursery Creek and cross Nursery Creek), walk West and pick up the footpad which goes West to the saddle then down to Rendezvous Creek.
Start: Distinct U-bend in Nursery Swamp Walking Track around 275m on from the bridge over Nursery Creek UTM 55H 676365-6051532 (MGA94) (alternative start point was Major bend in Nursery Swamp Walking Track above Nursery Creek UTM 55H 676433-6051856 (MGA94))
Finish: Fireplace on West bank of Rendezvous Creek UTM 55H 674054-6051198 (MGA94)
Distance: 2.8km.
Time: 40mins.
Detailed description: Cross the bridge over Nursery Creek and continue for around 275m along the Track to a distinct U-bend at UTM 55H 676365-6051532 (MGA94). Head 251°magnetic for around 210m. (alternative start: After climbing to the high point above Nursery Creek, the Nursery Swamp Walking Track takes a turn to the South. There is a burnt and blackened marker post on the NW side of the turn. A few tens of metres down the track, leave it to the SW and go down to cross Nursery Creek. Head for a large pig trap at UTM 55H 676270-6051646 (MGA94). Round the finger of bush to its W and continue heading SW across the pig-rooted flats.) You need to find a blue painted branch down near ground level marking the start of the footpad at UTM 55H 676146-6051529 (MGA94). It’s hard to see the blue paint in the wet. The footpad heads West, paralleling Nursery Creek to the saddle between SH1424 and SH1373. It is marked by blue paint daubs (the old and new tapes have been removed). On 21 May 13 I noticed a number of new pink tapes (2 slightly misplaced) which are very helpful. I can still manage to lose the pad several times each journey. From the saddle it descends to Rendezvous Creek, passing through a large patch of pea regrowth and following a zig-zag down the slope. You can see the remains of a bridge over the creek, just the bearers remaining. Cross the Rendezvous Creek flats to a well defined fire place on the West bank at UTM 55H 674054-6051198 (MGA94).
Recent use: 20 Jun 15 (near Nursery Creek rock art to join NSWT), other times, 21 May 13, 17 Nov 12, 3 Jul 12, 15 May 12, 22 Feb 11, 26 Oct 10, 22 Dec 09, 24 Nov 09, 3 Oct 09, …
Comment: Around 2007 a lone and poorly equipped walker was lost in this area for 3 days. The footpad was additionally taped soon afterwards. The route follows an old bridle track from Orroral to Rendezvous Creek and is W-G site OR22.
2010 10 26 Blue paint on the log marks the start of the footpad to Rendezvous Creek |
2013 05 21 New tapes on footpad from Nursery Creek to Rendezvous Creek |
2009 12 22 Remains of bridge over Rendezvous Creek |
18 (Mid) Rendezvous Creek vehicle track
Mid Rendezvous Creek vehicle track |
General description: This route commences at the fire place on the W side of Rendezvous Creek and heads generally parallel SSE down the W side of Rendezvous Creek. And further.
Start: Fireplace on West bank of Rendezvous Creek UTM 55H 674054-6051198 (MGA94)
Finish: At a little creek flowing down from the SW UTM 55H 674439-6050369 (MGA94) – it actually goes on further S of the creek (15 May 12, 26 Oct 10)
Distance: 0.95km. And further
Detailed description: An old vehicle track which starts at the fire place on the W side of Rendezvous Creek. It parallels the creek for around 1km to the edge of the open flats. The track ends at a little creek flowing down from the SW. There must have been another little bridge here, as the creek bottom is packed with a number of cross logs. The track goes a lot further S, indistinct in places. It may cross Rendezvous Creek arount UTM 55H 675206-6049458 (MGA94). We were on it at UTM55H 675657-6048761 (MGA94). In May 12, there was tape marking the exit from/entry to timber at the N end of the Rendezvous Creek cleared valley at UTM 55H 675873-6048433 (MGA94).
Recent use: 15 May 12, 26 Oct 10, 22 Dec 09, 24 Nov 09, 28 Jun 06.
2010 10 26 Old bridging timbers in creek towards end of mid Rendezvous Creek track |
2012 05 15 Tape marking the old vehicle track at N end of Rendezvous Creek clearing |
19 Towards Mt Domain
Towards Mt Domain |
General description: This route commences at Fishing Gap and climbs to the SE nose of the ridge through SH1402 which approaches Mt Domain.
Start: Fishing Gap. First pink tape just in the tree line at UTM 55H 669905-6071059 (MGA94)
Turn at: UTM 55H 669974-6071667 (MGA94)
Finish: Around UTM 55H 670282-6071831 (MGA94), on the nose of the ridge which approaches Mt Domain through SH1402
Distance: 1.1km
Detailed description: The route was taped on 17Jul10 and takes a sensible line towards Mt Domain. The first pink tape is just in the tree line at Fishing Gap and the route proceeds generally N. Instead of climbing the spur through large granite and regrowth, it continues N up the flank of the ridge. It eventually turns NE and climbs to the nose, including across a small scree slope. The last tape is just SW of the crest of the ridge.
Recent use: 28 Aug 12, 17Jul10.
I’ve heard polarised views on taping routes, but I think this pink taping from Fishing Gap to the top of the first rise, around the flank to avoid heavy granite and regrowth, was a good move. Whether others do will be signaled by whether the tapes stay and a useful footpad develops, or they are removed. In addition, the taping doesn’t spoil all the fun – there’s plenty of navigational challenges and regrowth along the ridge to SH1402 and from SH1402 to Mt Domain.
2010 07 17 First pink tape |
2010-07-17 Climbing Scree Slope towards Mt Domain (pink tape behind Stephen’s right shoulder) (photo courtesy of Mike Bremers) |
20 Sams Creek fire trail
General description: Sams Creek fire trail begins at a bend in the Old Boboyan Road and extends generally NW through a variety of going and in various conditions to a nominal end point at the Kelly saddle.
Start: Bend in the Old Boboyan Road UTM 55H 676822-6033138 (MGA94)
Finish: Kelly saddle UTM 55H 670421-6045773 (MGA94)
The track can be broken into 3 sections:
1 Old Boboyan Road (UTM 55H 676822-6033138 (MGA94)) to junction with Maurice Luton fire trail (UTM 55H 672899-6036814 (MGA94))
2 Junction with Maurice Luton fire trail (UTM 55H 672899-6036814 (MGA94)) to intersection with footpad from Gudgenby saddle (UTM 55H 672344-6038251 (MGA94))
3 Intersection with footpad from Gudgenby saddle (UTM 55H 672344-6038251 (MGA94)) to to Kelly saddle (UTM 55H 670421-6045773 (MGA94))
Detailed description:
1 Old Boboyan Road (UTM 55H 676822-6033138 (MGA94)) to junction with Maurice Luton fire trail (UTM 55H 672899-6036814 (MGA94))
Sams Creek fire trail – Section 1 – Old Boboyan Road to junction with Maurice Luton fire trail |
The ‘junctions area’ at the beginning is a little different to the 1:25000 Yaouk topo map, as Sams Creek ft has been slightly re-routed SW to a junction with the new Bulls Flat ft (not shown on the map). It continues on to a junction with the Grassy Creek ft and past Lutons Crutching shed. A very pleasant route up the Naas Creek open valley to the junction with the Maurice Luton ft.
Distance: 6.4km
2010 07 13 Old Boboyan Road marker at the junction with Sams Creek ft |
2010 07 13 Junction Sams Creek ft and Bulls Creek ft |
2010 07 13 Junction Sams Creek ft and Bulls Creek ft |
2010 07 13 Junction Sams Creek ft and Grassy Creek ft |
2010 07 13 Junction Sams Creek ft and Grassy Creek ft |
2010 07 13 Junction Sams Creek ft and Grassy Creek ft |
2010 07 13 Junction Sams Creek ft and Grassy Creek ft |
2010 07 13 Junction Sams Creek ft and Grassy Creek ft |
2010 07 13 Signage at the junction of Sams Creek fire trail and Maurice Luton ft |
2010 07 13 Signage at the junction of Sams Creek fire trail and Maurice Luton ft |
2 Junction with Maurice Luton fire trail (UTM 55H 672899-6036814 (MGA94)) to intersection with footpad from Gudgenby saddle (UTM 55H 672344-6038251 (MGA94))
Sams Creek fire trail – Section 2 – Junction with Maurice Luton fire trail to double blue tapes at intersection with route to Gudgenby saddle |
From the junction, Sams Creek ft enters eucalypt forest and deteriorates a little, but in parts of this section is still a benched vehicle track. The start is actually blocked by a fallen tree. Around 400m N there are (July 2010) some white cloth tapes. Around 300-500m before the double blue tapes marking the intersection with the route to the Gudgenby saddle there are several pink tapes marking the indistinct way through a wet area.
Distance: 1.7km
2010 07 13 Sams Creek fire trail heads N from its junction with the Maurice Luton ft |
2010 07 13 A few cloth white tapes on Sams Creek fire trail around 400m N of the junction with the Maurice Luton ft |
2010 07 13 A few pink tapes on Sams Creek fire trail around 300-500m S of the double blues |
2010 07 13 Double blue tapes at intersection of footpad from Gudgenby saddle and Sams Creek fire trail |
3 Intersection with footpad from Gudgenby saddle (UTM 55H 672344-6038251 (MGA94)) to to Kelly saddle (UTM 55H 670421-6045773 (MGA94))
Sams Creek fire trail – overview |
Sams Creek fire trail – 1 |
Sams Creek fire trail – 2 |
Sams Creek fire trail – 3 |
This section consists of the major part of Sams Creek fire trail starting near the Naas Creek S of Mt Gudgenby and going NW and N up Sams Creek to the Kelly saddle. Sams Creek fire trail can be seen on the Scabby Range Nature Reserve Draft Fire Operations Map 2007. The start is marked by double blue tape (positioned 2009) at the indistinct intersection with the route from Gudgenby Saddle. The first kilometre or so of the fire trail is more a footpad, but as it crosses the watershed between the Naas Creek and Sams Creek, along the ACT-NSW border near SH1373, it becomes better defined. Sams Creek is forded after 2.4km (use the fallen Black Sallee log a few metres upstream from the ford). A further 2.2km of the route follows Sams Creek up on the SW bank. On 19 Sep 09, we crossed to the NE bank, then back to the SW bank. The old vehicle track deteriorates into a footpad. Towards the top of Sams Creek, the footpad peters out and the best going is just by reading the lie of the land. The Kelly saddle is an arbitrary end point
Distance: 9.1km
Time: 3hrs 30mins (incl 20min break).
2009 09 19 Walking Sams Creek fire trail – here a footpad |
2009 09 19 SH1733 above Sams Creek |
2009 09 19 Mt Kelly from the upper reaches of Sams Creek |
2009 09 19 Upper reaches of Sams Creek |
Recent use: 27-28 Jun 15 (double blue to cross Sams Creek; return), 30-31 May 15 (double blue to ‘Rob’s mark’; return from near cross Sams Creek), many other times, 7-8 Jul 12 (Kelly Saddle S to double blue tapes), 3 Sep 11(double blue S to Maurice Luton fire trail junction), 30 Aug 11 (double blue S to Maurice Luton fire trail junction; return), 28 Sep 10 (double blue NW to leave the ft just N of SH1373 to go to BM N83), 14 Sep 10 (double blue S to Maurice Luton fire trail junction; return from near BM Rb83 S to double blue), 13 Jul 10 (Sams Creek ford S to Old Boboyan Road), 12 Jul 10 (double blue N to Sams Creek ford), 19 Sep 09 (double blue N to Kelly saddle), 8-9 Jul 06 (Sams Creek ford S to double blue), 2-3 Jan 06 (double blue N to Kelly saddle).
21 Scabby Range Nature Reserve old fire trail towards Sentry Box
SRNR old fire trail towards Sentry Box |
General description: This route commences at the gate into the Scabby Range Nature Reserve (near the W extent of the Grassy Creek Fire Trail) and heads generally NW up the spur towards Sentry Box Mountain until petering out just N of SH1357.
Start: Gate into the Scabby Range Nature Reserve UTM 55H 673403-6030017 (MGA94). Reach this gate from the 130m long link fire trail which joins it to the W-most extent of the Grassy Creek fire trail at UTM 55H 673508-6029979 (MGA94).
Finish: Peters out at UTM 55H 672348-6030791 (MGA94)
Distance: 1.6km
Time: around 30mins (down).
Detailed description: An old fire trail, in NSW, which parallels the border up the gentle spur towards Sentry Box Mountain through unburnt eucalypt forest. Around 160m in from the gate, at UTM 55H 673260-6030092 (MGA94), there is a junction. Going up, take the right (North) leg here; coming down, take the left (East) leg here. There is fallen timber across the fire trail in several places. Look up and see the gap in the large trees to follow it.
Recent use: 8-9 Sep 12, 15 Mar 11.
2011 03 15 Can in Scabby Range Nature Reserve near Grassy Creek fire trail |
22 The Spinnaker approach footpad
The Spinnaker approach footpad |
General description: This route commences at a bend in the fire trail to the tanks above Honeysuckle Creek camping ground and goes S for 600m to an open frost hollow.
Start: Footpad leaves the fire trail at UTM 55H 679065-6059893 (MGA94)
Finish: Peters out onto an open frost hollow. There is a stone ringed fireplace at UTM 55H 679078-6059329 (MGA94) and a nearby pyramidal-shaped rock.
Distance: 0.61km
Time: 15mins.
Detailed description: A well-worn footpad.
Recent use: 19 Mar 13, 8 Oct 11.
2011 10 08 Start of footpad towards The Spinnaker |
2011 10 08 Camp site and fireplace |
23 Stockyard Spur track – down
Stockyard Spur track – down |
General description: This route commences at a set of small cairns at the intersection of the footpad coming up from Corin Dam (now a large helipad since the upgrade in 2012) and heads NNE down the spur until petering out.
Start: 2 small cairns, one near and one on the Stockyard Spur track (now a large helipad since the upgrade in 2012) UTM 55H 664548-6066035 (MGA94)
Finish: Peters out at UTM 55H 665459-6068224 (MGA94)
Distance: 2.6km
Time: around 40mins (down).
Detailed description: An old vehicle track, this segment starting at the cairns (now a large helipad since the upgrade in 2012) and heading generally NNE down Stockyard Spur until it peters out. Varies between reasonably well defined and poorly defined.
Recent use: 10 Apr 10, 24 Mar 09, 15 May 07.
2009 03 24 (one of the) Marker Cairns on Stockyard Spur |
2010 04 10 Stockyard Spur track – pea regrowth |
24 Stockyard Spur track – up
Stockyard Spur track – up |
General description: This route commences at the helicopter landing pad/turnaround circle at the intersection of the footpad coming up from Corin Dam and heads SW up the spur to meet the Mt Franklin Road.
Start: Helicopter landing pad/turnaround circle UTM 55H 664548-6066035 (MGA94)
Finish: New signage at the intersection with the Mt Franklin Road UTM 55H 661572-6063906 (MGA94)
Distance: 4.4km
Time: around 1hr 15mins (up); best 56mins.
Detailed description: An old vehicle track, refurbished 2012 to allow vehicle access, this segment starting at the helicopter landing pad/turnaround circle and heading generally SW up Stockyard Spur to meet the Mt Franklin Road at a marker pole. Well defined and a lovely walk through snow gums. A 40m climb to SH1532, down through a saddle, a 120m climb to near SH1615, a further 90m climb. (At UTM 55H 662209-6064421 (MGA94), a few tens of metres to the NW of the vehicle track via a footpad, is a slab area providing great views to the NW including Mt Ginini. Back on the vehicle track and a few metres on, is a faint footpad to the left for 20m to what Graeme Barrow dubbed ‘Stockyard Spur Grandstand’ at UTM 55H 662235-6064345 (MGA94). Excellent views to the E and SE including Mt McKeahnie.) Back on the vehicle track, a further a 60m descent.
Recent use: 13 Oct 12, 30 Jun 12, 28 Jun 11, 5 Feb 11, 12 Jun 10, 11 May 10, 5 Sep 09, 19 May 09, 21 Apr 09, 18 Apr 09, 14 Apr 09, 21 Mar 09, …
2012 06 30 The top end of the track – helicopter pad and turning circle |
2012 10 13 New signage at the junction of Stockyard Spur track and Mt Franklin Rd |
2012 10 13 New signage at the junction of Stockyard Spur track and Mt Franklin Rd<‘small> |
25 Waterholes FT
Waterholes FT |
General description: This FT commences in the North at the junction with Bulls Flat FT and ends at Waterhole Hut.
Start: Junction with Bulls Flat FT UTM 55H 676332-6031200 (MGA94)
Finish: Waterhole Hut UTM 55H 676228-6029100 (MGA94)
Distance: 2.7km
Time: 35mins.
Detailed description: This fire trail is not marked on the 1st or 2nd edn Yaouk 1:25000 topographic map. It is marked on the OZraster series of maps. Just follow your nose.
Recent use: 8-9 Sep 12
2012 09 8-9 Junction of Bulls Flat Creek FT and Waterholes FT |
2012 09 8-9 Waterhole Stockyards |
2007 05 08 Waterhole Hut |
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