Last updated 1Apr22

Blogging Techniques

SSL Certificate

Finally got an SSL certificate 1Apr22.

Geotagging Photos

My camera does not geotag photos. So I run them through a great piece of freeware called GeoSetter which examines the GPSr recorded track and does the work.

Most current cameras of course geotag photos. An issue might be …

Removing Geotagging from Photos

In order to hide the location of a photo published via Google Photos:

1 Using a Windows 11 device, install Windows Power Toys.

2 In File Explorer, right click, Propertied.

3 Click Remove Properties and Personal Information.

4 Click Remove the following properties from this file:.

5 Click Latitude, Longitude under GPS. OK.

Clickable Map Image

1 Load – what, the current map calibrated as an Ozi map? – into OziExplorer. Load the new tracks. Place a 30*20 lime green Comment on the track as a track number. Redo any obliterated track numbers. Save full map to image file as bmp with map objects in file.

2 Open in PhotoStudio and save as jpg. Determine top left hand coordinates of track number.

3 Add <area shape=”rect” alt=”Click here to see walk report #2nn for 200y 0m dd xxx” coords=”x,y,x+30,y+20″ onClick=”‘Walk%20Descriptions/200y_0m_dd.htm’,’blank’,’location=no,resizable=yes,toolbar=no,width=1000,height=600,scrollbars=yes’)” /> entry to html

Create a Google Earth embed

1 From Q4 2014, Google Earth embeds need to be created via the Google Earth API. I can’t do this, so the embeds in trip reports do not work.

2 Go to

3 Follow the instructions
• Change title
• Insert kmz file URL, which is… NB all spaces replaced by %20
• Change Default Map Type to Satellite
• Click Preview Changes to check it works
• Click Get the Code and copy it into the blog page.