Last updated 27Jun24

Frank and Jacks Dip

Frank and Jacks Dip is located near Frank and Jacks Hut off the Old Boboyan Road in the Namadgi National Park.

Location: GR 55H FA 77088-39240 (MGA94), Yaouk 8626-2N 1:25000

Frank and Jacks Dip, September 2011

Visits: 27 Jun 24, 12 Aug 23, 27 May 19, 26 Mar 16, 12 Jul 14, 27 Mar 12, 3 Sep 11, 8 May 10, 1 Jul 08

Photographs are available.


• KHA Namadgi database (private source). Site 716. Concrete sheepdip and site of yards associated with Frank & Jacks Hut (refer 224) c1955-60s; fed with water conveyed by pipe from a small dam in a nearby gully.

Gudgenby: A register of archaeological sites in the proposed Gudgenby National Park, J H Winston-Gregson MA thesis, ANU, 1978. Site GR3 3-3. Vestigial, only the concrete dip and posts remain. See extracts of the relevant pages in the photos above.

Sites of Significance in the ACT. A 9 volume set, pre-cursor to the ACT Heritage Register. Published in 1988 (Vols 1-7), 1989 (Vol 8) and 1990 (Vol 9); pp38-43. Site PT11. See extracts of the relevant pages in the photos above.