Location of geocache GC89FCY Falldowns Filter I

Friday 12 July: Queanbeyan Caching – S/M. This week’s caching focussed on Tankengine’s Falldowns caches and some mostly drive-bys in Queanbeyan.

Further Information

We first saw two of these Sediment Control structures on 28 May 13, then found the other three on 16 Jul 13. I recently mentioned them to Tankengine, as he seems to like interesting things like this. Lo and behold, a few weeks later, these caches appeared.

This post won’t particularly interest pure bushwalkers, but some readers might like to go and have a look at these things. Great 1960s stone work.


Distance: 6.7km | Climb: 145m | Time: 9.30am – 2.00pm (4hrs 30mins), including 15 mins of breaks, lots of driving and caching | Grading: S/M; E(7)


Photographs are available, where you can start a large sized slideshow.

Waypoint and Track Files

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Track Notes

At 6.30am Roger turned out to be a better weather forecaster than the BoM. I reckoned to head back to bed; his text said the little trip was on.

We met in Hume, new geocacher Fred4655 in tow, and drove to Queanbeyan.

I earned a few brownie points with Roger for finding GC859ZW Queanbeyan Racing Club (I owe him millions for all the finds he’s helped me with).

We then motored to the advertised location of a puzzle (doh), registered a DNF of GC860XA Don’t stop on White (double doh), passed the turnoff to its final GZ (triple doh), passed Burbong Avenue where there was another cache down on the river (quadruple doh) to finally park near the end of Sparrow Hill Rd (the old Kings Highway alignment).

It might not have been showering, but the wind was blowing strongly and it was cccold. Still, expecting easy finds of the five Falldowns Filters, we set off.

The first had us looking on the wrong wall (as another log stated), but GC89FCY Falldowns Filter I was soon found. The remainder were easy finds.

Our circuit took us next to GC89FCZ Falldowns Filter II.

Then GC89FD3 Falldowns Filter V, the furthest away.

Next was GC89FD1 Falldowns Filter IV.

Finally GC89FD0 Falldowns Filter III was logged.

Back to the car to sit in for morning tea.

We then drove back into Queanbeyan and found and logged GC48JJJ A Wright view of Elvis’ home. and GC86YBY Black and White Tribe. Guess why it’s called that!

Then GC7W7DP Swinging Suspension near the suspension bridge.

We walked across it to do GC82QT9 Lych Gate.

At some stage during the day we also found and logged the puzzles GC867ZD Dead Space and GC86EP6 Band Caches – hanson. Of course you won’t find the final GZs of these on the track map.

Heading for home, we called in for a view of Queanbeyan from Bicentennial Park.

Great weather forecasting and a great trip thanks Roger. Nice to have turned Q to the dark side.

Track Maps

Track – Falldowns caches

Track – Queanbeyan caches


3 walkers – Roger E (Marmaduke Rothschild) (leader), Quentin M (Fred4655), me (JohnnyBoyACT).