… 33 geocaches in 37ºC

Red Rocks gorge from the lookout on the Canberra Centenary Trail

Tuesday 12 January: Geocaching from Pine Island to Kambah Pool – L/E . A little private walkabout along the ‘Bidgee just north of the new area in which I live.

I drove to the Pine Island North car park.

Further Information

A few reasons for today’s walk:

Cbr100Challenge 100km route training – I want to walk this again this year to raise funds for Beryl Womens Shelter. Will you support me and donate to the Shelter? See here for how.

With around 700 geocaches found and wanting to reach 1000 by the end of the year, as long as I keep my total ahead of 700 + the day number, I should get there.

The temperature forecast was for the high 30s. Can this old codger complete a simple walk in that heat?


Distance: 22.0km | Climb: 540m | Time: 7.25am-2.40pm (7hrs 15mins), including 33 caching stops and 10mins of breaks | Grading: L/E-M; M(11+)


Photographs are available, where you can start a large sized slide show.

Waypoint and Track Files

Download the .gpx file. (Right click, Save Link As…, Save – if you want to use it.)
To use in Google Earth, do File, Open… and select Gps or All files as the File Type.

Track Notes

In terms of my goals:

Cbr100Challenge 100km route training – 22km is not enough for the event which is 7 weeks away

Geocaches – there’s a 23 cache series down the river, Centenary Trail-Murrumbidgee River View. My style of caches, each 1.5 difficulty and easy to find. First time I’ve ever done a complete series in one go. Another 10 various caches along the way.

Walking in the heat – it was 34ºC at lunchtime and 37ºC when I finished. I consumed every drop of water I carried (2.5 litre Platypus + 600ml PET bottle). I needed a hat and over-the-head-and round-my-neck sweat rag dip in the Murrumbidgee River, a dam the CCT passes and Tuggeranong Creek. It was very hot on the return leg.

Coke and a shower at home.

From To Distance Time
Start Lunch 12.5km 5hrs including geocaching
Lunch Finish 9.5km 2hrs 5mins
Track Maps

Track overview

Track 1

Track 2


just moi.