Posts tagged with: C-360


Saturday 7 October 2023: Settlers Track and beyond. Starting at Brayshaws Hut we’ll walk the first section of the Settlers Track to Waterhole Hut, then leave the track and make our way up Grassy Creek. We will get onto the...
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Saturday 19 August 2023: Orroral Valley Circuit * – L/E. Wanna 20km stroll out at Orroral? This newish route uses the Cotter Hut Road and Smokers Trail to take us to the top of the Orroral Valley. The walk south down the...
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Wednesday 9 March 2022: Smiley-baby face on Hospital Hill – S/R,ptX. There is a rock formation on the flank of Hospital Hill that makes a handy aiming point when walking out of Middle Creek. I see in it a smiley...
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Clockwise from top left – Fungi | Tree fern gully SE of the cars | Scribbles in Tallaganda | Overlooking the Tallaganda forest to Mt Palerang | View west from the west-most point of Mt Minor | Lichen on pink...
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A Googong Wander – (clockwise from top left) Cave under London Bridge | London Bridge Homestead | a stop beside the Queanbeyan River | London Bridge arch | Apple Box tree beside the river | cascade on the Queanbeyan River...
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