Last updated 1Jul19

Jim Andersons shower site

Jim Andersons shower site is located at the sharp bend in Chalet Road which leads to Bendora Arboretum in the Namadgi National Park.

Location: GR 55H FA 62667-78639 (MGA94), Tidbinbilla 8627-2S 1:25000

Jim Andersons shower site, June 2011

Visits: 16 Jan 16, 18 Jun 11

Photographs are available.


Hiking from early Canberra, Cla Allen, Canberra, 1977, ISBN 0 9596981 0 8, pp 53-54: “Mal and Tim had been fishing well above Tops Flats on the Cotter River. Jim cycled to Bendora on the Franklin Road and descended towards Cow Flats higher on the Cotter. He camped on the slope and found the others next morning. On the return trip near Bendora, Jim took a shower in the water falling from a length of bark on the side of the eastern bulge of the Mt Franklin Road [Chalet Road was the original alignment of the Mt Franklin Road]. The bark trough had been planned to direct water from a small creek into the mobile tanks (furphies) used by the road gang. John Cumpston named the creek ‘Anderson’s Shower’. The name of the area was changed to Bendora much later when a forestry camp was established there.”