View from Cypress Pine (Callitris) Lookout

21 September 2024: Cypress Pine Lookout recce ! – S/E-M. On the next 2 weekends, the Canberra Bushwalking Club is facilitating 4 hikes to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the declaration of Namadgi National Park:

  • Saturday 28 September – Rendezvous Creek and Gudgenby Grasslands Hike
  • Sunday 29 September – Mt Tennent Walk
  • Saturday 5 October – Cypress Pine Lookout
  • Sunday 6 October – Granite Tors Hike.

They are designed for members of the public to experience the wonders of Namadgi National Park. You can see more deets and book on the trips at no cost via PARKS ACT What’s On.

A little wander to check out some of the POIs, particularly geocaches (in case there is any interest).


From Garmin Connect (recorded on Epix Gen 2) – Distance: 6.05km | Climb: 195vm | Time: 1:35 moving + 0:41 of stops = 2:16 | Grading: S/E-M; E(7).


View photographs here.

gpx file

Download the gpx file here.

Track Map

Here’s where I went.

Track Cypress Pine Lookout recce

Trip Report

I must walk by myself at my own pace more often. A delightful experience.

Away at 8.30am for a good poke around Gudgenby in a Box. One is usually tearing past here. Nice to stop.

Gudgenby in a box signage

Photographed all the signage for clues for geocache GC6687 Gudgenby Genesis. On to sight the final – it’s cool.

Then to the scar tree.

Scar tree signage

I really enjoyed a look around the Mouat Tree display. Names of good friends – Mike Lavis, Jeff Brown, Alex Petrow, Matthew Higgins.

Mouat Tree

Then down to find geocache GC7FBM3 Mouat Tree, so that I don’t look like a dope on the day.

I wandered up the Mt Tennent track, looked for a difficulty 4 out of 5 geocache that I’d found before but couldn’t today.

Some POIs that can be talked about on the day. Ant nest (thanks to Tyronne Bell). Heath in flower (thanks to Google lens).

Fringed Heath-myrtle (Micromyrtus ciliata)

Some views just off the track.

Some views

Nodding blue lilies trackside, although heaps more at Cypress Pine Lookout.

Nodding blue lily (Stypandra glauca)

The usual views from Cypress Pine Lookout.

View from Cypress Pine (Callitris) Lookout

A short foray to the SE to locate geocache GC9KFMN Basil’s Tennent Temptation Mk 2 and take in more views.

View from SE of Cypress Pine Lookout

Turning about, I took a little detour down the nearby creek line, just in case someone on the public trip wants to experience some off-track bush bashing 😂.

View up the creek near Cypress Pine Lookout to Mt Tennent

I was reminded of my current walking capability.

That’s me – old and burnt out

Home to get on with the rest of the day.


Just me.

Johnny Boy’s Walkabout Blog FaceBook Page

I’ve started up a FaceBook page. Each trip report posts to it. It’s another way to get some info to get out and breathe a bit of fresh air. Why not pop over and Follow the page, or give a post a Like.

Additional Trip Reports

As I age, I’m doing a few more simple hikes. I don’t always produce a full trip report. If you’re interested, you can find details of them on the Completed Walks tab. There you can access the trip’s map segment, download a gpx file, see the distance, climb and grading, and link through to the photo album. Additional metrics are available by looking at the start waypoint on the map segment – moving time, stopped time, total time.