Tara Territory – Dunlop Grasslands NR; matching skirt with ‘brain fruit’ (osage-orange) | border marker 120000 Fifteen Mile points to One Tree Hill | one foot in the ACT and the other in NSW

Monday 8 June: Dunlop Grasslands NR – S/E. Just a couple of hours on Monday arvo looking at some of the items in this area with Belco’s favourite flamin’ redhead @In_The_Taratory. Around 4km. Map: Hall, http://www.tams.act.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0008/390581/cnpmapdunlop.pdf . Leader: John Evans 0417 436 877 john@johnevans.id.au .

3 of us drove to Binns St Fraser.

Further Information

Geocaches GC3AXG0 Crowajingalong (for Sam), GC16HR7 Caching Fore!titude, GC3AXFG Dunlop Grasslands 2.


Distance: 5.6km | Climb: 65m | Time: 1.45pm-3.25pm (1hr 40mins) | Grading: S/E; E(4)

Track Map



Photographs are available, where you can start a large sized slideshow.

Waypoint and Track Files

Download the .gpx file here. (Right click, Save Link As…, Save – if you want to use it.)
Track Notes

Marvelous what can be achieved in a couple of hours. I needed some more blog traffic, so blatantly invited Belco’s favourite flamin’ redhead, @In_The_Taratory, for a little amble in her Belconnen backyard. We were ably accompanied by @gtlloyd. Always a hidden agenda – to date I’ve mixed up the Crowajoingalong and Charnwood sites and there are 3 geocaches in the area.

First stop was the signage to gather the clues for GC3AXG0 Crowajingalong (for Sam) and my companions quickly read them off. A little distance away we found the final GZ.

Then, finding a gate (there are a few fences about), we headed north to the Bicentennial National Trail. You can follow this left to Melbourne or right to Cooktown if you want. We went right, but only as far as the osage-orage trees. Then up to the Charnwood site with its big trees (including olives) and to the Charnwood signage. Greg got the Canberra Tracks app going and we were all quite impressed.

Having sorted fences and gates and trails, we returned to the BNT and headed towards one of my favourite border markers in this area. Surprise, surprise – there just happened to be a geocache on the way and GC16HR7 Caching Fore!titude was duly found and logged.

Down to the power lines border where the lady graciously posed.

Tara being the busy Belconnen Community Council Chair with afternoon meetings, we hurried back. Great to see people out flying a kite; not so great to see an injured ‘roo. Geocache GC3AXFG Dunlop Grasslands 2 rounded off the day.

Thanks for the hint about Geosetter, Greg! Great to catch up Tara!

Read In The Taratory’s blog post here – it’s much better than mine.


3 walkers – Tara C, Greg L, me.