William Farrer’s memorial | William and Nina’s graves

Wednesday evening 7 January: Southside Stroll – Farrer’s Grave – S/E-M. I first met William Farrer as a young stamp collector. Come and see where this originator of the ‘Federation’ strain of wheat lies at rest under a marble obelisk. The obligatory geocache ‘Overlooking the scene of his labours’ is nearby. 1.5km round trip through lightly timbered grazing land with 40m climb, so not too taxing. Meet at 6.15pm in the Point Hut Crossing sealed car park before crossing the Murrumbidgee. We’ll car pool the last 3km as parking is limited at the stile. No need to book. Map: Tuggeranong. Leader: John Evans 0417 436 877 john@johnevans.id.au . Transport: Drive yourself, but please contact me if you need a lift and I’ll try to assist.


W1: Distance: 5.1km | Climb: 160m | Time: 4.55-5.55pm (1hr) | Grading: S/E; E(4)
W2: Distance: 1.6km | Climb: 45m | Time: 6.30-7.15pm (45mins) | Grading: S/E; VE(3)

Track Map


Profile W1

Profile W2


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Track Notes
Walk 1

Given a heads up on the traffic congestion due to the Tharwa Drive closure, I arrived early in my little Mazda courtesy car and went for a wander along the Pine Island to Point Hut Walking Trail to Pine Island South. Turning around and with 10 minutes up my sleeve, what better to do than consult the geocaching app and see what was nearby. A bag of GC10QWT Murrmbitchin’.

Walk 2

7 others arrived for the walk and the agenda was immediately hijacked by an experienced geocacher and two recently converted to the dark side. Off they went to do a nearby multi, but returned just as I was thinking it was time to go. We car pooled to the stile on the Point Hut Road.

The start of the multi GC161CJ Overlooking the scene of his labours was quickly found and coordinates punched into several GPSr-s.

A very pleasant stroll up the ridge to the site and a look around the peaceful area of the hill top memorial and graves. No thunderstorms this evening. We returned to the cars, then back to Point Hut Crossing.

Nice to meet some new folk and to appreciate the various connections we share.


8 walkers – Julie A, Kath H, Darren R, Graham S, Jasmine S, Michael S, Derek S, me.