I'm very happy for others to use my pictures. I reckon God created it, we steward it and all should be able to enjoy it!
I usually take 20-60 snaps per day of walking, so the 3 per day on this web site are merely representative - the best or most relevant. In addition, I reduce the web pics to 800*600 pixels to facilitate storage - the originals are up to 10 megapixels (3888*2592) and can be up to 5MB. So email me if you'd like to use the original of a web site published pic, or like to review all the pics of a walk.
To date, I've had requests to use my snaps or they have been published:
- on Murrumbigdee River Corridor signage
- the ACT and Australian Mountain Running Championship race entry forms
- CSIRO presentations to ACT Government
- Wee Jasper Reserves Ranger's web site
- 3 photos in the revamped display at the Namadgi Visitors Centre (relevant, not that good. Max reckons I captured his best aspect!)
- photos and trip report in The Bushwalker, Spring 07 edn
- 4 or 5 photos in 'Finding Your Way in the Bush - How to navigate and plan bushwalks' by George Carter, published by Canberra Bushwalking Club Inc ISBN 978-0-9598790-1-8
- supplied photos of Bimberi Peak to be used in the brochure for the Bimberi Youth Centre at the Alexander Maconochie Centre
- photos and an article on ACT-NSW border markers in The Bushwalker, Winter 09 edn (Vol 34, Issue 3).
I did a Google on in mid-January 2009 and found my photos in:
- Appendix E to the ACTEW Draft environmental impact statement for enlarging the Cotter Dam (photo 32) at
- A paper on Distributing points on manifolds from the School of Mathematics UNSW at
- and a couple of other walking/skiing blogs.
In every case, the author had acknowledged the source of the photo. Wonderful - just as I'd hoped - use the stuff!
Map segments for walks and additional photos (from walk # 268 on) are available via my Facebook public access Bushwalking 3 (walks 290 - 304), Bushwalking 2 (walks 281-289); Bushwalking 1 (walks 268-280) albums. You do not have to have a Facebook account for public access; just follow the links. However, I've found that Facebook public links expire, so I've changed to using Google's Picasa from walk 321 on. Picasa is excellent; added an embedded slideshow on the Home (Index) page in Dec 09. There is also a 'Best of an average lot' album, stored on
See also the Facebook page (on this blog).
Geotagging Photos and Storing on Picasa
Download and install Geotag from Download and unzip the Windows executable version of ExitTool from (Haven't got the auto tagging going yet by loading the track.gpx). Stick in the lat and long, save. Upload to Picasa.
Best of an Average Lot
See them via this interface...
...or click here.
This page last updated: 5Sep10