27 October 2013 Canberra Centenary Trail - Hall to Federation Stone
Walk Description This walk was organised and led by me as a CBC walk: 27 October: Canberra Centenary Trail (Hall to Federation Stone)/Worn Boot Bash - L/E. The Canberra Centenary Trail is due to be opened in October. There is more information at http://www.tams.act.gov.au/parks-recreation/recreational_activities/canberra_centenary_trail. Let's get an early look at it by walking it in 3 non-contiguous days. This walk is one of the 2013 CBC Worn Boot Bash walks. Includes One Tree trig. Side trips to Oak and Old Joe trigs. Includes Majura trig. Includes Mt Ainslie (not a trig on the list, but a hill). Participate in the Centenary Trail opening. Around 50km and some climbs. Some walking in the dark involved - this walk will start after the CCT opening, around 10am. A very late finish. Walkers can join and leave the walk wherever they like, but will have to arrange their own transport. At least 30km and a few hills to qualify for WBB. Maps: Canberra, Hall and Bedulluck. Leader: John Evans - john@johnevans.id.au, 0417 436 877. Transport: drive yourself/car shuttle or pickup. 10 of us met at the Forde entrance to Mulligans Flat NR, with 2 more joining in at Oak Hill. Further Information The opening date for the Canberra Centenary Trail is Sunday 27 October. Chief Minister cutting the ribbon at 11am at Hall. Sat 12 Oct 13 - Duffy to Federation Stone. Side trips to Narrabundah, Cooleman, Arawang, Wanniassa, YA 90 and Davidson trigs. 50km + side trips. Sun times: 5.59am-6.25am-7.15pm-7.41pm. So 12hrs 50mins of sunlight. Did Tuggeranong to Federation Stone on 18 Aug 12, 28km in 6hrs including 25mins of stops. Sat 19 Oct 13 - Hall to to Duffy. Side trips to Percival trig, Gossan Hill, Black Mountain, Dairy Farmers Hill (these 3 not trigs on the list, but hills), Narrabundah trig. 42km + side trips. Sun times: 5.49am-6.16am-7.21pm-7.47pm. So 13hrs 5mins of sunlight. Did Kambah to Hall on 4 Aug 12 on as close as possible to the then trail alignment, 35km in 8hrs 30mins including 55mins of stops. Sun 27 Oct 13 - Hall to Federation Stone. Includes One Tree trig. Side trips to Oak and Old Joe trigs. Includes Majura trig. Includes Mt Ainslie (not a trig on the list, but a hill). Participate in the Centenary Trail opening. 54km + side trips. Sun times: 5.39am-6.06am-7.29pm-7.55pm. So 13hrs 49mins of sunlight. Did Federation Stone to Federal Highway on 23 Jun 12, 23km in 6hrs 10mins including 40mins of stops. This section last due to last minute access and construction issues near One Tree trig. Also, it is likely that the most significant of the 5 opening locations will be Hall - yes, at 11am near the Hall reservoirs. So need to average 4+km/hr over a 13hr day. The 'rules' for the Worn Boot Bash are at least 30km and a few hills. See previous WWBs here. My main concern in proposing the above walks is to prevent Rob H from carrying out his threat to repeat WBB #1. Participants can join and leave these walks wherever they like. For WBB recognition, must do at least 30km and a few hills. Spoke to Canberra Centenary Trail Ranger on 21 Aug 13. Sections of the Trail under construction/modification are closed until opening day. It's around 21km from the Forde entrance to Mulligans Flat NR NW (anti-clockwise) around the CCT via the border and down into Hall. We need to do this prior to the opening at 11.00am. So we'll need to drop a car at Hall, then drive to Forde and start walking by 5.30am. After the opening, drive back to Forde by 12noon and complete the walk in a clock-wise direction back to Parliament House. A super long day this one, finishing around 9pm. The URL for the Canberra Centenary Trail is www.act.gov.au/centenarytrail. Proposed route for the day: Start at 5.30am at the Forde entrance to Mulligans Flat NR (car park off Amy Ackman St Forde). Old Gundaroo Rd to join Mulligans Flat Rd; beside Mulligans Flat Rd to Duke Rd; up Duke Rd (must look for 7 Mile marker); follow border across top side of North Mulligans Flat NR (must look for 6 Mile marker); side trip to Oak trig; ctu to follow CCT exactly through B1, Z, S, H to One Tree Hill; ctu to follow CCT; side trip to Baldy; to opening site at Hall reservoirs/Hall. Participate in opening ~11am. Drive back to Forde. Start walking again by 12 noon. Enter Mulligans Flat NR fencing at Woodland Gate; past Shearing Shed; exit via Bustard Gate and enter Goorooyarroo NR; follow border for a bit then turn S off border on Goorooyarroo Track; side trip to Old Joe; turn to E across S side of Gecko Hills. Work our way to SE side of Federal Highway going SW (this is the Majura Freeway deviation Libby mentioned); go to 'Gate near underpass'; follow CCT S, crossing the Mt Majura night walk track; go up the stone steps and gully and junction to Mt Majura; return to 'Junction 04' and take Casuarina Trail to Jn 05,06,07,08 area; to Jn 09 and along back of Hackett Houses; turn at Jn 10; power lines to Jn 12; S then turn W from under power lines to join track below Mt Ainslie summit road; follow alignment to Mt Ainslie Lookout; down Kokoda Trail to Remembrance Nature Park; around SE corner of War Memorial and across front; to Limestone Ave then NW side of Anzac Parade; cross at Blamey Cres to SE side; left into Constitution Ave; down to Blundells Cottage; side of LBG; over Kinds Ave bridge; across Bowen Dr and join side of LBG at Art Gallery; along then left up Reconcilliation Place to circle; left and past art work; side of Portrait Gallery to cross King Edward Tce; to Old Parliament House and up SE side; up Federation Mall on SE side to finish. Photographs Click here to access all walk photographs.Track Maps Track maps: thumbnails are active - click for a larger pictureVideos Google Earth Track Notes A logistical exercise to get walkers and vehicles appropriately positioned and, thanks to my dear wife working it all out, it went like clockwork. 10 of us left the Forde entrance to Mulligans Flat NR at 5.30am, following the proposed route outlined above. A very nice broad concrete track along the Old Gundaroo Rd alignment up to join Mulligans Flat Rd. A bit of fog about as we followed the CCT up the side of the road to the Duke Rd intersection. The CCT on the W side of Duke Rd climbs gently to the border. No sign of the 7 Mile marker. A lovely sunrise, although a bit smoky/hazy. We turned W along the border at the top side of the North Mulligans Flat NR. Found the 6 Mile marker. A detour to Oak trig on Oak Hill, as we needed to bag the trig for the CBC 'Stretch Your Legs' event and visit the hill for the CBC Worn Boot Bash. With me heading off in one direction and Keith and Rob in another, there was discussion whilst they sorted me out. The U1 border post was a bit knocked about, lying in several pieces. Two walkers approached from the top of the hill and I was going to let them play through. It was Jo and Camilla from the Club, who'd arrived at the start just a couple of minutes after we left. So that made a jolly dozen of us. Lots of CCT construction in this area, which is certainly the pick of the entire trail. We saw the first of the CCT marker posts W of Oak Hill (Rivera was walking at Mt Ainslie last night and said she saw workers banging in guide posts in the near dark - project work right up to the deadline!). A lovely approach to the Northern Border Campsite, the site is very well done and in pristine condition. Let's hope it gets some use by campers. Excellent signage. Several of the party gave the toilet a try. A very pretty little dam beside the track just after leaving the campsite. The CCT in this area of the Gungahlin Eucalypt Plantation has lots of well contoured track around a few little spurs to make it easier for mountain bike riders. A bit of a pain for walkers, but no real complaint as it is pleasant walking. Saw our first CCT marker post with arrow and logo. Through most of this area the CCT is fenced on both sides, with "Private Property Stay on Trail Trespassers will be Prosecuted" signs at regular intervals. I guess the position of land owners (in NSW) and lessees (in ACT) can be appreciated. One Tree Hill comes into sight as the CCT turns SW towards it. A little un-nerving as we approached the hill, with shot gun firings close-by in NSW. We must have missed the beginning of the foot track to One Tree Hill on the currently advertised alignment, as we continued on the bike alignment for a bit before striking up. There were some guide posts about, so maybe the footpad has been moved. One Tree Hill lookout is a spectacular structure with a huge view. Very well done TAMS project team! Great signage. Of course we had to reach across the fence to touch the trig to bag it. We were well ahead of time, so had a 30 minute morning tea (I think that means that on the next 3 of my walks, there'll be no morning tea break. Setting off again, we headed straight down the fence line to the E to rejoin the bike alignment. All new CCT construction in this area, around 60m below the crest of the spur on the SE side. Fenced on both sides and a couple of neat stock crossings. Was it the case that we spied a guide post up the hill? 8 of us went to investigate. Nothing seen, but we decided to continue on up to bag Baldy trig. We reached the Hall reservoirs, the site of the opening, at 10.35am. During the early part of the day we'd passed a couple of CCT walkers, then in the section down from One Tree Hill, quite a few walkers and mountain bike riders giving it a try. We sat in the shade and waited. I did an interview with Tim the Yowie Man (@TimYowie) We wandered down towards Hall village, meeting a Medicare Local lady handing out their Z-cards of the CCT. Well done! They are available in GP waiting rooms and other locations. She said Bill C was at another opening site. Then, the best part of the day. After a short wait, a sausage sandwich from the Rotary Club guys and 2 cans of Coke (with another tucked in my bag for lunch). Briefly chatted with Stephen from Team SES border trek, with whom I'd walked on 20 Oct 13. 6 of our party departed and 6 of us drove back to Forde in Rob and Jenny's trusty van. Walking again by 12 noon, as per plan. 7.4km in 1hr 35mins, with a detour from the CCT, to Old Joe for lunch. Then back down to the track in Goorooyarroo NR and S to the SW corner of Gecko Hills. Here there is a semi-permanent diversion around the northern construction site of the Majura Parkway. Quite happy to obey, as it saved us ~2km. Crossed Horse Park Drive and picked up the newly made CCT through a nice little moist area near the Federal Highway. Underpass under it. So to the Mt Majura NR and followed the CCT. A couple of us had a rest at the saddle SSW of Majura and the rest of us did the up and back to Majura trig. A snake, maybe a tiger, crossed the fire trail in front of me. Back down at the saddle, we followed the CCT down the Casuarina Trail to the E side of Hackett, where another of our party departed after 47km. A successful negotiation of the various fire trail junctions in the area between Majura and Ainslie. The CCT joins the old road alignment below the Mt Ainslie summit road and pops out at another great Canberra 100 'gateway'. A brief pause to buy more Coke before we went down the Kokoda Trail to the back of the War Memorial. More CCT signage there. Here, when I mentioned that the CCT went across the front of the AWM, crossed Limestone Ave and did a block down the NW side of Anzac Parade, I got the evil eye from a party member. As it was 6.30pm and we could see straight down the SE side of Anzac Parade, including a pedestrian crossing of Fairbairn Ave, I relented. So along Constitution Ave, down to Blundells Cottage and along the LBG edge to cross Kings Avenue bridge. Left turn through Reconciliation Place. With views straight up to the flag pole on Parliament House, pedantry was again thrown to the wind and we made a B-line to the finish, arriving at 7.45pm, just on dark. Much to my surprise, good friend and all round top fellow Tim the Yowie Man was waiting to greet us with chilled champagne and (plastic) stemware. I trust the Federation Stone did not feel desecrated by serving us as a table. Many thanks Tim. The interview was completed The final transport logistics were in place and cars were picked up. Something that had to be done. Many thanks to Nathan H, Rob H and Ian W for sharing the lot with me, and to everyone else who joined in on a CCT/WWB walk. Summary Distance: 51.2km Climb: 1290m. Time: 5.30am - 7.45pm (14hrs 15 mins), with 1hr 40mins of breaks + the drive from Hall to Forde. Walk Participants 12 walkers - Cynthia C, Gavin F, Nathan H, Jenny H, Rob H, Rivera M-R, Joanne P, Camilla P, Keith T, Ian W, Edwina Y, me. Records The CBC 'Stretch Your Legs' events have been updated at: http://www.canberrabushwalkingclub.org/events/ACTCentenary.html. Worn Boot Bash qualifiers over the 3 CCT trips are: Cynthia C, Nathan H, Jenny H, Rob H, Barb V, Ian W, Edwina Y, John E. Back to Walks Index This page last updated 5Sep22 |