24 January 2009 Murrumbidgee River Li-Lo Wallow -  Red Rock Gorge Photos, Track estimate
Map: Tuggeranong 1:25000
Getting There

This walk was organised and led by Jenny and Rob H as a CBC walk:

Saturday 24 January: Li-Lo Wallow, Red Rock Gorge-Kambah Pool – S/R/W Bring your own li-lo. Map: Tuggeranong 1:25,000. Leaders: Jenny & Rob H Transport: n/a.

7 of us met at the top car park at Kambah pool.

Walk track (estimate)

Not being a lover of water, this little wallow (pleasantly) extended me. My walking companions were kind about my brand new, crisp white volleys, XL sized li-lo and life jacket.

We walked the track beside the Murrumbidgee, heading upstream for around 4.2km to a point above 'Toads Folly', a 30m or so long rock chute in the river bed. One of our companions, having enjoyed the walk, returned overland. Headed down to the water at the downstream end of the chute and prepared our watercraft. Various styles, from leaders on car tube and boogie board to multicoloured li-los.

We launched (strange to realise that we were within 2km of the shoppers and latte sippers at Tuggeranong Hyperdome) ... and it was very pleasant. The water was murky following recent days of thunderstorms, but lovely and warm. Idle strokes assisted by a little current took us through the big pools. We wisely walked around the sets of rapids, as the water level was a bit high and fast. The faster water in one ¼ grade drop was enjoyed. Certainly a different view from in the water. A soaring eagle could be seen, provided we cricked our necks enough. The 'Red Rocks' (an old quarry site) was quite a spectacular sight from the river. Plenty of water dragons on the rocks as we ported around rapids. All in all a very pleasant around 2.3km through Red Rock gorge from Toads Folly to the S beach about 400m upstream of where the 132kV line crosses.

We trotted back to the cars, passing a large echidna, to enjoy lemon and ginger tea and Jenny's lovely home made cake.

I thought it best not to take powered gizmos and camera, to estimated track and no pics.

Distance: 8.3km  Climb: 50m.  Time: 8.30am - 12.30pm (4hrs)
Grading: S/R,W; E(6)

KMZ file for Google Earth/Maps: Murrumbidgee River Li-Lo Wallow - Red Rock Gorge (estimate)
