11 November 2008 | PCUG presentation on Johnny Boy's Walkabout Blog | No Photos | |
Getting There
This event was organised by the PC Users Group: |
Further Information
From the current CBC it - Creating a photo web site – 11 November. Many walkers will have looked at the bushwalking site set up by CBC member John Evans at http://jevans.pcug.org.au. If you haven’t, take a look now! John will be demonstrating his site and explaining ‘how’ to a meeting of the PC Users Group in November. All members of the club are welcome at the Conference Room, Grant Cameron Community Centre, Mulley Street, Holder from 7 pm for a 7.30 pm start on Tuesday 11 November. PCUG advertising. ‘Johnny boy’s Walkabout Blog’ is a bushwalking hobby web log hosted by the PCUG. It is maintained by member John Evans, a semi-retired baby boomer with a little spare time to indulge his passions. “We all know that a little knowledge is a dangerous thing” explains John, “and I have a double portion. Twenty-eight years in Federal Government IT and four years wandering around in the bush equip me most inadequately in both fields, but I do have fun.” Objects such as text, photos, video, sound, digital map segments and GPS tracks are presented using a number of simple tools (some of which are freeware), via techniques such as photo thumbnails, podcasting and Google Earth files. So if you’re a technophile, come along and see some views of the high hills of the ACT and, perhaps, pick up some additional blogging techniques. And if you’re a bushwalker, come along and see how you can share your experiences with family and friends – fully under your control and advertisement free. Event I trust the guests on the night enjoyed it. I certainly was the winner - 'evangelised' bushwalking, talked with old and new acquaintances, and came away with a 2002 unwooded Chardonnay. Not sure how much ITC info was given and received. Don't forget, folks, I need your assistance in implementing a Google local search facility! I showed a couple of pics for comic relief and they are available here. Seriously, I have been a faithful member of the PCUG since 1994 and they provide really excellent ISP and web hosting services, and 'users helping users' support. Thanks to Ben C for his amazing diligence, organisation and technical setup of the PCUG main monthly meetings. |