31 July 2007 GPS Workshop  
Getting There
This session was presented by Terence U, Grahame K, Keith T and myself,  as a CBC activity:
(Tuesday 31 July 2007: GPS Workshop A workshop covering various aspects of the use of handheld GPS. Refer to the description elsewhere in this copy of IT. Contact: Terence U. Please contact Terence if you will be attending this workshop so that we have an idea of numbers attending).

(There will be a two hour workshop on Tuesday 31/7/07 from 7pm to 9pm. The workshop will be held at Keith T’s house. The agenda for the workshop will be: GPS basics and map datums – Terence U. Free PC software to transfer between GPS and PC – Grahame K. GPS and digital maps – John E. GPS and Google Earth – Keith T. It’s a lot to pack in to 2 hours so we will be starting on time. Any questions? Contact any one of the presenters. Bring your GPS along to experiment as we go. It would assist us if you could confirm your attendance. Please contact Terence.)

I'm hoping to pick up some great tips and maybe be able to pass on a few too.


Around 20 people turned up and the various presentations went well.
